
#429: the bees say thank you for no-mow May

My dear friends,

Bertram here, busily trying to keep his cheese cool enough in its various hideyholes and cellars across the Church and the Churchyard- some of the things which look like trees are actually metal tubes built especially to store rounds of cheese in comfort. Think of it like a vending machine- my friendly pigeon, Miranda, flies up and drops them in from above and then I type the special code and a hatch opens and out rolls a cheese into my tender waiting arms. The only downside is that Miranda can be a bit temperamental, and it takes a lot of effort and attention to make sure that the patent-pending rainwater refrigerator system is working to its full potential. Talking of which, I had better go and check that the third tree on the left as you come through the lychgate is working properly. As Arnold put it, I shall be back.

Coming attractions

This Sunday is Trinity Sunday. There will be services at 8, 9.30, 10 and 11, so do please come along as we gaze steadfastly into the heart of the mystery and wonder of God.

Why not try something new in June? Come along to a different service, go to Coffee and Chat, join the Walking Group for their stroll followed by a coffee, come along to Morning Prayer… talk to Louise Cole for details of this and everything else.

Thursday May the 30th is the feast of Corpus Christi– there will be a service at 8pm at St Paul’s as we give thanks for the gift of the Eucharist.

This lecture on the 6th of June will be excellent. Everyone who heard Chris last year will be very keen to hear him again. Do talk to your friends and do bring them along too because it will be an informative, challenging and encouraging evening. And it will be fun too.

Three Important Notes

Our ‘Splog + Guests’ event will be on Friday 12th July.

To mark Fr. Richard’s departure for pastures new, we will be having a special ‘Splog + Guests’ brewery tour and fish and chip supper at Bond Brews on Heathlands Road in Wokingham, starting at 7pm on Friday 12th July.

The event is being organised by Splog, but is open to all. As such I’d be grateful if you’d pass this message on to anyone who may wish to attend.

The event will cost £25 per person and the itinerary will be: 

  • Arrival at 7pm with a welcome drink of beer, cider, pimms, prosecco or soft drink
  • Fish and Chips to be delivered at 7.30pm
  • Brewery Tour with beer tasting

Once the tour is over, additional drinks may be bought separately, with a finish around 10pm.

The address of Bond Brews is 3-4, South Barns Gardeners Green Farm, Heathlands Rd, Wokingham RG40 3AS.

If you would like to attend, please reply to this email and specify if there is anyone in addition to yourself who would like to attend.

Secondly, we are currently electing our new Diocesan Synod for the next three years. Anyone on an Electoral Roll in a church can stand but you need to be nominated by a member of Deanery Synod. Here are some notes on the role and an application form- it really matters that people from our area and our way of doing Church are represented on Synod so do think if God might be calling you to stand.

Thirdly, Richard has been involved with this piece of work dreaming of the future of the Borough and we are currently into the consultation period so do read on and do comment as well…

Draft Wokingham Borough Community Vision: Residents Encouraged to Have Their Say

People across Wokingham borough are being asked their views on the Draft Community Vision as part of our journey towards creating a plan that reflects the hopes, aspirations, and priorities of residents across the borough.

The Draft Community Vision has been developed by partners from a range of organisations through extensive engagement with residents, stakeholders, and local groups over the past several months. Once finalised it will represent a shared commitment to building a thriving, inclusive, and sustainable community where everyone has the opportunity to flourish.

During the six-week consultation period, which will run until Friday 28 June, residents of Wokingham Borough are invited to have their say on the draft vision and help shape the future of our community. This is an opportunity for individuals from all walks of life to share their thoughts, ideas, and priorities for the borough’s growth and development.

While the consultation will primarily take place online through a dedicated website, there are multiple ways for residents to participate and provide their feedback:

  1. Online Survey: Residents can complete the online survey available on Engage Wokingham Borough, the council’s consultation platform, providing their views on various aspects of the Community Vision.
  2. Drop-in Sessions at libraries: A series of drop-in sessions will be held at the following libraries: 
  • Wokingham, Thursday 23May, 10am to 12 noon
  • Finchampstead, Friday 7 June, 10am to 12 noon
  • Woodley, Saturday 15June, 10am to 12 noon
  • Twyford, Friday 21 June, 2pm to 5pm

These will provide residents with the opportunity to learn more about the vision, ask questions, and share their feedback in person.

An Easy Read copy of the vision will also be made available online and in print at libraries.

“We are thrilled to launch this consultation on the draft vision and invite residents to join us in shaping the future of our community,” said Nick Fellows, Chair of the Community Vision Steering Committee. “Your input is invaluable in ensuring that the vision reflects the needs, aspirations, and priorities of our diverse community.”

Residents are encouraged to visit the consultation website to learn more about the Community Vision, access the online survey, and find information on upcoming events and opportunities to participate. Together, let’s build a brighter future for Wokingham Borough!

Thanks and Notices

Thank you to everyone who worked so hard over the weekend, especially those who organised the refreshments for the Confirmation and who helped with the Christian Aid Coffee Morning in the Parish Rooms. And to everyone who makes our worship such a delight, and those who lead J-Cub and do the Livestream… and everyone else.

The photo last week was of the Walking Group’s adventure around Swallowfield. It is a hugely welcoming group, and a very supportive one.

Update on the new hymnbooks All the full music copies have arrived as well as the plastic jackets for all the hymnbooks. Unfortunately the publication dates for the other editions has been delayed, so they are now hoping to publish the words only edition at the end of June and the remaining editions ‘in the summer’. So, it looks like being the autumn before we can use the new hymnbook. Lesley Ruddock

Books for Ukraine

My cousin’s son regularly drives items to Ukraine and has good links with groups there.  He is currently gathering children’s books to help the children learn English. If you happen to have any spare, for any age range, then please put them in a bag with my name on it at the back of church and I can pass them on. I will be meeting him on 1st June. Thanks for your help. Jean Vaughan

The Parish BBQ will be on Sun the 23rd of June- Fr Richard’s last weekend in the parish on Sunday the 14th of July with the only service in the parish that day being the 9.30, followed by two events in the afternoon- games and picnics and relaxation on St Paul’s Junior School Field from 2.30 to 4 and then coffee and cake in the Parish Rooms from 4 to 5. Everyone is welcome to both and people of all ages will enjoy either and both.

An Important Notice on the 8am Service

Until the end of August, the 8am service will be on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. After that, it will move to the 1st and 3rd Sundays because of the way the rota falls and when people are available. We are confident that we will be able to resource one service by extension every month and one 8am with a priest each month. Do please speak to a Warden or the Office if you have any questions or thoughts about this, or about anything to do with the vacancy.

These are the Sundays we have in the plan until the end of 2024:

May 12th & 26th

June 9th & 23rd

(No service on July the 14th because everyone will be together at the 9.30am for Richard’s final Sunday in post).

July 28th

August 11th & 25th

September 1st & 15th

October 6th & 20th

November 3rd & 17th

December 1st & 15th

Prayer in the forthcoming vacancy

Message from Mary Cassidy, Deputy Warden for Spirituality and Mission: As May begins, so the date of Fr Richard’s departure draws ever closer! Changes obviously lie ahead, for the Lamey family as well as for our parish and the responsibilities of the leadership team.

Over the next months, prayer — for the Lameys, for Peter and David our Wardens, for Cara, Jane, Judi and other clergy who will be stepping in to help with services, for the PCC and the whole parish (St Paul’s, St Nicholas’s and Woosehill), for the recruitment process, for the Deanery … —  will be vital.

I encourage you all to “add in” an extra, focussed prayer element to your normal routine.

Pray as you can, not as you can’t, but some suggestions to consider that may help draw us closer together in prayer include:

  • Join a prayer group, e.g. from June 5th  on the first Wednesday of each month at 3.00pm at Jane Creasy’s house (for about an hour)
  • Join Morning prayer: Mon, Wed  and Thurs at 8.30am on Zoom (Meeting ID: 753 2006 4518         Passcode: 024453)

                                      Tuesdays and Fridays at 9.00 in St Paul’s Church

  • Arrange a regular prayer walk with a friend or two around the parish, praying for the area, the people who live there, the right applicants for the post of Rector …
  • Arrive early for Mass and spend those extra minutes praying specifically for the parish
  • In your House Group or Tithing set aside some extra time to pray together for all the above needs and groups

If you have other ideas for corporate or individual prayer routines, do share them! The coming time of “interregnum” or vacancy can be a very positive time of growth, both individual and as the body of Christ.

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