The Parish Rooms is owned and run by the St. Paul’s Church of England School and The Parish Rooms Trust (“PRT”).
The Parish Rooms is a small Educational Trust, funded from a proportion of surplus income from room hire, minus running costs.
Grants are available to children and young people under the age of 25 living or attending school within the parish.
All applications should be addressed to the Parish Rooms Secretary at the Parish Office.
- The Hirer must be over 21 years of age at the time of application.
- The ‘Conditions of Hire’ and checklist on departure for the Parish Rooms are to be understood and adhered
to by all persons using the ‘Rooms’ during their hire period. Both are in the information folder and accompanies
each confirmed booking. - The ‘H&S Policies’ and Risk Assessments of the Parish Rooms, are to be read, understood, and adhered
to by all persons during their hire period. These documents are permanently in a file in the kitchen for your perusal. - Insurance: To the fullest extent permissible by law, no liability will be accepted by the Parish Rooms Trust
(PRT) its Trustees or its employees, for any injury or loss however caused to any person hiring or using the
Rooms or the Car Park. Non-Domestic Hirers are encouraged to arrange adequate insurance cover. - Premises License: PRT do not hold a licence. Alcoholic drinks may be consumed on site by over 18’s but if
it is to be sold, or part of a ticket/donation, hirers must obtain a temporary event notification (TENs) from the Local
Licensing Authority. Please gain permission before you apply and a copy is to be shared with the administrator. - No smoking permitted in any part of the building and signs are displayed to this effect.
- Noise must be kept down to a reasonable level – this also applies in the car park. All music must be finished
by 22:30 Sunday to Friday and 23:00 on Saturdays. All rooms must be vacated by 23:00 on Sunday to Friday
and 23:30 on Saturdays AT THE LATEST. - Drunk and disorderly behaviour and supply of illegal drugs The hirer to ensure that in order to
avoid disturbance and violent or criminal behaviour:
a) no one attending consumes excessive amounts of alcohol b) no illegal drugs are brought onto the premises.
Drunk and disorderly behaviour is not permitted either on the premises or in its immediate vicinity. We will ask
any person suspected of being drunk, under the influence of drugs or who is behaving in a violent or disorderly
way to leave the premises in accordance with the Licensing Act 2003. - First Aid: Please ensure there is a qualified first aider during the hire where possible. A First Aid Kit and an
Accident Report Book are kept above the fridge. Details of any accident should be recorded and the paperwork
left in the letter box for the administrator. - Safeguarding: The Oxford Diocesan Guidelines ‘Safeguarding Policy’ apply to all Church organised activities
and are available in the office for consultation by any Hirer. Any Hirer whose activities involve children, young
people and other vulnerable adults are only provided by fit and proper persons in accordance with the
Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 and any subsequent legislation. When requested, the hirer must
provide Parish Rooms with a copy of your Safeguarding Policy and evidence they have carried out relevant
checks through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). - Music Copyright licensing: If non-domestic hirers wish to play copyright live/recorded music on our
premises, it is necessary to have the appropriate licences: PPL – Phonographic Performance Licence and PRS
– Performing Right Society. The hirer must hold the PPL and is also responsible for ensuring that either they
hold a PRS licence or that the Parish Room Trust holds one. - Film The hirer must restrict children from viewing age-restricted films classified according to the
recommendations of the British Board of Film Classification. The hirer must ensure that you have the appropriate
copyright licences for film. This Agreement confers the required permission on you. (The Deregulation Act 2015
requires the hirer to have our written permission to show a film). - Wi-Fi Services Attendees may use the wireless Internet connection provided from St. Pauls Parish Rooms
premises providing they adhere to the acceptable use policy. The service is provided free of charge in accordance
with these terms and conditions. We have the right to suspend or terminate our Wi-Fi service immediately in the
event that there is any breach. We cannot guarantee that our Wi-Fi service will be fault-free, accessible at all
times or meet your requirements.
Privacy and Data Protection The Parish Rooms Trust may monitor the data for inappropriate activity. For this
reason Internet browsing carried out on the Parish Rooms BT Guest Free Wi-Fi connection cannot be deemed
to be private. - Decorating This is permitted using blue tack ONLY on the painted walls, NOT sticky tape which damages
the wall. There is a notice board in each room to pin items. Walter Hall: DO NOT touch or stick anything to the
white media wall. - Advertising For current hirers only on the communal notice boards. Out-of-date notices will be removed.
- Access: PRT permit access 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after the charged booking time. In the event of
back-to-back bookings, this free access may be shared and there may be a cross over with another hirer. During
the event time the door can be unlocked. DO NOT prop open the main front door, it will damage the motor and
allow heat to escape from the building.
The hire does not give exclusive access or sole use of the building. Corridors and toilets must be shared with
other hirers and those attending church events. - Security: The hirer is responsible for the building. Upon leaving all doors and windows are to be securely shut.
Please do not leave the premises until the door locks at the agreed time (if you are the only hirer).
If the door does not lock please contact one of the IN CASE of EMERGENCY numbers displayed at the building. - Set up and Clear away:
Tables and chairs are for the use of each hirer to set up how they please in the room they hire. Every room has images showing the layout. All public areas must be kept clear of any obstruction including tables, where this may hinder disabled access and emergency
evacuation. Hirers must leave the building tidy and clean and equipment returned to the correct location.- Furniture – All tables stowed and chairs stacked (8 high maximum) facing the back wall. DO NOT BLOCK THE
FIRE EXITS. - Breakages – To be reported so it can be fixed. A charge may be made for their replacement if the hirer is at fault.
Please report any failures e.g. Light bulbs. - Cleaning – Hirers are to sweep (mop if necessary) the floor after use and all surfaces wiped clean. Please bring
your own cleaning products and cloths There are brooms/mops in the cupboard outside main hall.
We do not provide cloths/tea-towels, bring from home. Washing up liquid is provided. Remove all items from the
fridge/freezer and wipe inside. If the hob/oven is used, please wipe the top/inside.
The dishwasher is for your use, please follow the instructions. - Waste – General waste and mixed dry recycling (paper, card, cans, plastic) to be put in the correct skip at the
back of the building, using the large black key hung in the kitchen, please relock, and replace. If it is not possible
to close the lid TAKE YOUR WASTE HOME. All glass must be taken home for recycling. - Heating – Radiator thermostats are set at mark 3. They may be adjusted for comfort during your session. Return
to 3 before leaving the building so the following hirers are not greeted by a cold room. - Water – The hirer must ensure water taps have been turned off including those in all toilet rooms.
- Lights – The hirer must ensure that lights are turned off before leaving, including room, hallway, kitchen and
- Furniture – All tables stowed and chairs stacked (8 high maximum) facing the back wall. DO NOT BLOCK THE
- Portable Electrical appliances The hirer must ensure any used on the premises are safe, in good working
order, and used in a safe manner. Electrical equipment over 1 year old, must be PAT tested. - Food, health & safety and hygiene The hirer must (if preparing, serving or selling food) observe all
relevant food health and hygiene legislation and regulations. In particular products must be refrigerated and stored
in compliance with the Food Temperature Regulations. The premises are provided with a refrigerator and
Use the instant hot water boiler, coffee machines, oven and microwave safely, exercising common sense and
Children under 10 years old are NOT allowed in the kitchen. - Car-Park There are 45 spaces including 3 disabled bays. Vehicles are parked at the owner’s own risk. ONLY
users of St Pauls Parish Rooms, St Pauls Church and Churchyard are entitled to park. Parking is limited and will
often be shared with other hirers and church events. We do not guarantee parking for every vehicle. Reserving
spaces is not possible. We encourage car-share and alternative travel such as walking, biking, bus and train.
No vehicle is to be left in the car park overnight/outside of your hirer time except by prior permission.
There is a 2m height restriction. If anyone has a vehicle over this please advise so arrangements can be made to allow access. - Storage No items are to be left in the building except by prior permission. Hirers having access to storerooms
are to keep them locked. PRT cannot accept responsibility for items left in storerooms. - Bouncy castles Are not permitted to be used on the site or in the Parish Rooms. Soft-play and low inflatables
may be allowed, please contact the administrator for more information. - IN CASE of EMERGENCY In the event of fire, the alarm is to be deployed, evacuate to the assembly point
at the far end of the car park, ring the fire brigade. Fire notices and procedures are displayed around the building.
Should there be any emergency, please contact one of the IN CASE of EMERGENCY numbers displayed at the
- The hire charge will be that applicable at the date of the event. A minimum deposit of 50% of the total hire cost
will be charged on booking, to be paid within 1 week. This deposit will be set against the total cost when the
balance is paid by 4 weeks before the event. If payments are not made within the time frame, the booking may
be cancelled. - A Damage Deposit will be charged as follows: Main Hall/kitchen: £200 ~ Large Room: £100 ~ Small room: £50
The Damage Deposit will be refunded after the event subject to satisfactory inspection of the premises, checking
contents, cleanliness, breakages, checklist on departure and the conditions of hire adhered to. Any costs
incurred to the PRT, for repairs, replacement and any extra costs such as cleaning of the Parish Rooms or Car
Park found to be necessary as a result of the hire, will be deducted from the Damage Deposit before it is returned
to the hirer. - Payments should be sent to the Parish Rooms Administrator, Parish Office, St. Paul’s Parish Rooms,
Reading Road, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 1EH.- Cheques should be made payable to St. Paul’s Parish Room Trust
- Cheques should be made payable to St. Paul’s Parish Room Trust
- Cancellations Please notify us by telephone/email Monday-Friday during our office hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 09:30-
12:30 and Fridays 12:30-15:30. The office is closed on Wednesdays. If a notification is sent outside of these
hours, the cancellation terms shall apply from the next working day. - The following deposit refund terms will apply:
100% if a cancellation is made more than 12 weeks before the event – any balances made shall be refunded.
50% if a cancellation is made 8 – 12 weeks before the event – any balances made shall be refunded.
0% if a cancellation is made less than 8 weeks before the event – any balances made shall be refunded if more
than 4 weeks before the date of the event. 0% refund of balances if the cancellation is made less than 4 weeks
before the date of the event. - The Damage Deposit will be fully refunded in the event of cancellation.
- The hire charge will be that applicable at the date of the event. Hire charges are reviewed annually and changes
are implemented from 1st September each year. It may be necessary to review these hire charges again during the academic year. You will be given 12 weeks’ notice of any tariff changes. - A deposit of £50 will be required on an initial new block booking. This will be set against the first term’s hire
charge but will be forfeit if the booking is cancelled within 6 weeks of the commencement of the booking. - PRT invoice on or around the 1st of the Month. Payment Terms:- monthly: 14 days, half-termly/termly: 30 days
of the date of invoice. Invoices not paid on time may be subject to a 5% surcharge. - Payments to be made as per section 2.3 above.
- Cancellations: Please notify the administrator by telephone/email at least 6 weeks’ or 6 weeks’ payment in lieu of notice. No
refund will be given for the cancellation of a single class due to unforeseen circumstances outside of the
control of the PRT. - PRT will notify the hirer of exception dates at least 6 weeks in advance. These include single bookings,
Wokingham Arts Society, Wokingham Borough Council Elections, NHS Blood Donation, and any
Religious/Church activity etc. You will not be charged for any dates the PRT must cancel or cannot honour
The PRT shall not be liable under this Agreement in any way for loss, damage, or delay consequent upon any circumstances
beyond its reasonable control, including, but not limited to, the use of the Rooms in response to any emergency. The hall is
in constant use by many people. There is no resident caretaker. The Management requests observance of the ‘Conditions of
Hire’ by all Hirers to ensure the smooth running and proper use of facilities to the advantage of all.