ClergyWho's Who

Rev’d Judi Hattaway

Judi spent her curacy in Guildford Diocese as Lead Chaplain at Frimley Park Hospital and curate to two churches in Frimley. Prior to that she worked as a chaplain at Broadmoor High Secure Hospital.

Over the last twenty years she has been, variously, Training Co-ordinator for the Diocese of Monmouth, and, for eight years, Parish Development Adviser in the Archdeaconry of Berkshire.

Judi’s background is in adult and children’s education, adult training, group facilitation, counselling, and consultancy. She has worked in Christian contexts for over twenty years.

She has a BA with Honours in English and Philosophy from the University of Kent, a Master’s Degree from the University of Liverpool in Adult Education with Theological Reflection, a Post-Graduate Certificate of Education, a Post-Graduate Counselling qualification, a Post-Graduate Diploma in Ministry and Mission from the Southern Theological Education and Training Course in Salisbury (STETS).

She has four grown-up children and six grandchildren. Two of the grandsons have statements of special educational need – Judi has a special interest in people with learning disabilities. Judi also runs a private counselling practice.

In any spare time, Judi likes entertaining, knitting and sewing, reading, going to concerts, films, art galleries, and the theatre, and having a laugh.

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