#437 – the new normal
Well, hasn’t it been a long week! Honestly, I’ve been in so many photos, probably more so than any mouse I’ve ever known. And last Wednesday I had the indignity of being handed over by the rector to the curate, like I was an object. Honestly! Me, your daring dashing reporter, handed on like I was some piece of…of cheese…or something! That being said, I suppose it was quite nice to be made a fuss of and to be taken care of, assured of a wam cosy place to call home, and I have needed somewhere cosy to go through and sort all the photos that have been coming in of last Sunday’s shenanigans. I’m still slightly disappointed that cheese rolling wasn’t on the list for Sunday afternoon, who wants to play rounders or hula hoop when you could be rolling a cheese down a slope?
Thanks for that Bertie, only half getting the point as usual! One thing Bertie did get right is that we have some brilliant photos to share of Father Richard’s last Sunday in the parish, and a video too. With a last note of thanks to everyone who made the Lamey’s last Sunday so very special, with the whole parish service in the morning, the fun and games in the afternoon and tea and cakes later on. They’d also like to thank everyone again for our generosity and thoughtfulness in all the gifts and cards and heartfelt messages, it is very much appreciated. With that, enjoy the photographs, a final video message, the order of service for Sunday which is well worth keeping for the wording of the final blessing and dismissal, and a copy of the last sermon preached by Father Richard. Everything in that sermon is true and worth holding onto as we go into this time of vacancy together.
Fr Richard – Farewell Message | St Paul’s Parish (spauls.co.uk)
If you would like to download and/or print your own copy of the pictures of each church we presented to Richard, then you can do so here – Our Congregations | St Paul’s Parish (spauls.co.uk)
Now onto this coming Sunday, 21st. There are services at 9.30am at St Paul’s, 10am at Woosehill, and 11am at St Nick’s. Then in the everning it is our final Choral Evensong before summer, 6.15pm, on the sermon series of “God’s Masterpiece” and our guest preacher is Revd. Rickey Simpson-Gray, rector of St Sebastians. Do come along to hear him and to sing God’s praise.
Also happening this Sunday after each of the 3 morning services is a feedback session. Peter Wells shares this information:
Parish Feedback
To assist with the creation of the Parish Profile, required when we advertise for a new Rector, we are inviting everyone to a feedback session after the morning service this Sunday (21st July). The sessions will be held in each of the churches, at which we will be posing the following questions for you to consider and discuss:
- What attracted you to the church?
- What do you enjoy about it?
- What could we improve?
- How does the church help on your spiritual journey?
- What are the essential qualities of a new rector?
- What important aspect of your church should be emphasised in the Parish Profile
We are also asking everyone to provide 3 words that sum up your view of the church (either the whole Parish or the individual church). We will use these 3 words from everyone to create a word cloud that will be used in the Parish Profile to provide an impression of the views of the church community.
If anyone is unable to attend the feedback sessions please email your response to any or all of the questions and your 3 words to one of the Churchwardens or Pro-Wardens.
Thank you.
Happening tomorrow (18th)…
At the Mothers’ Union meeting on Thursday 18th July Jean Vaughan will give a presentation on the charities that the MU supports within the Oxford Diocese. You are warmly invited to come and listen to what should be an interesting talk, whether or not you are a member. Bring your sandwiches to St Paul’s Parish Rooms at 12.30pm and we will provide you with light refreshment. Please speak to me or Jean if you have any questions. Teri Austen
Don’t forget Ruth Gibbs’ Walter Lecture on Thursday the 18th at 7pm… at St Paul’s. It will be well worth hearing and it’s always good to support members of our congregation whenever and wherever we can. Ruth works for OXFAM and will be talking on climate justice.
Lastly, Mary sends this message about the Art Exhibition which is happening over the next few weeks in the Parish Rooms
Please could you include an urgent plea for assistance with serving refreshments at the Art Exhibition? There are still gaps on the Rota for Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st July, both of which may be very well attended and therefore busy. The rota will be in church on Sunday so that further gaps in the following weeks can be filled. Thank you!