CW David of Wales, c.601

David, Bishop of Menevia, Patron of Wales, c.601

Purple or Lent array / white

Exciting Holiness
Ecclesiasticus 15.1-6
Psalm 16.1, 2, 4-7
1 Thessalonians 2.2-12
Matthew 16.24-27

Holy Communion
Jonah 3
Psalm 51.1-5, 17-18
Luke 11.29-32

Morning Prayer
Psalms 6, 17 (or) 119.105-128
Jeremiah 5.20-end
John 5.30-end

Evening Prayer
Psalms 9, 28 (or) 91, 93
Genesis 42.6-17
Galatians 4.21-5.1

Additional Weekday Lectionary
Genesis 11.1-9
Matthew 24.15-28


Almighty God,
who called your servant David
to be a faithful and wise steward of your mysteries
for the people of Wales:
in your mercy, grant that,
following his purity of life and zeal for the gospel of Christ,
we may with him receive the crown of everlasting life;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.

Post Communion

God, shepherd of your people,
whose servant David revealed the loving service of Christ
in his ministry as a pastor of your people:
by this eucharist in which we share
awaken within us the love of Christ
and keep us faithful to our Christian calling;
through him who laid down his life for us,
but is alive and reigns with you, now and for ever.

BCP: David, Archbishop, c.601

BCP Holy Communion

Isaiah 58.1-9a
Matthew 12.38-50


Mar 01 2023


12:00 am - 12:00 am
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