#350: only enough snow to make a very small snowmouse

Bertie here, eagerly getting ready for Christmas by rushing through his lists and duties and hence getting his weekly email out a day early. Anything to avoid wrapping any more presents… Here is the news…
Coming Soon
This Sunday is the 4th of Advent– a baptism during the service at 9.30, then services at 10 and 11. And in the evening it is the traditional Nine Lessons and Carols Service at St Paul’s at 6.15pm, followed by refreshments in the Rooms. Do come along and do bring your friends too. It will be very beautiful indeed.
Christingle Making from 10am to about 12 on Christmas Eve in the Parish Rooms- always good fun- do come along in your finest Christmas jumper. As long as you don’t have an orange allergy- it is probably not the event for people who come out in orange spots when they smell Vitamin C.
And don’t forget all of the Christmas Services– something for everyone!
Our Treasurer tells me that 60% of our regular givers have now transferred over to the Parish Giving Scheme, which is really great news! That does however leave quite a few donors who are still using envelopes or giving by standing order. The benefits to the parish through using the PGS scheme are very significant, not just the reduction in workload and administration, so please, if you haven’t yet joined, do consider it and talk to Lyn. He would be very happy to answer any questions you may have … and give you an application form!
Wanted- more people to welcome people as Sidespeople and also to Lead the Intercessions on a Sunday. Do speak to Richard or Louise for more information- or to Teri for siding and Mary Cassidy for prayers.
Last call for photos of your Nativity Set, to be sent to Louise Cole and included in the daily email.
Teri needs any gifts for residents at Yeldall Manor by Friday at the latest. Tel 1008 978 9123 or teri@theaustens.uk
Soulscape are one of our three charities- as well as an ecard there is the video to watch to summarise their work this term: “It’s been a busy term and we wanted to share some of it with you and thank everyone for their ongoing support, time and prayers.”
Other Events and Happenings
Coffee and Chat will continue to meet throughout the School Holidays on a Friday afternoon in the Rooms, from about 2 to 3.30- do pop down if you would like some warmth or some company. It is our Warm Rooms offering to the community as well so do encourage anyone you know who is feeling the cold to come. All Sts are doing Tuesday afternoon for their Warm Room and the Baptist Church are doing Thursday early evening, so there is a lot of support for people struggling to stay warm in this wintry weather.
And an article on doing what needs to be done and not exhausting ourselves, from Mary Cassidy: