
#432: Possibly the most underwhelming election since…

Dear all, Bertie is currently heading to Grimsby where he will play a small but vital role in this evening’s debate between the Prime Minster and the Leader of the Opposition so he has, with very few options, left me to bring you the news, while urging me not to break anything or haemorrhage subscribers, which I will hard not to do. Here is the news, he says, keeping it very simple…


Forthcoming attractions

Services at 9.30, 10, 11 and 6.15 this coming Sunday, the 3rd after Trinity. We would like to start ringing the main church bell every Sunday at St Paul’s when the elements are consecrated- if you would like to find out how to do it, please stay behind after church on the 16th where Ken Davenport will reveal all. And if you’re joining online, please don’t forget to say hello to everyone in the chat bar.

St Nick’s Church lunch (which is open to all three churches) is on the 16th of June at midday. Do come along- once you have told Louise Cole or Fiona or Liz that you are coming and what you would be able to bring, since it is Bring and Share.

The next Evensong Sermon is on the 16th of June at 6.15pm- our guest preacher is Peter Moger, the Vice Dean of Christ Church, Oxford who will be preaching on the music which the choir will be singing. Followed by refreshments.

Sat the 22nd of June at 2pm: next Organ Recital to raise money for the Church organ, followed by refreshments.


Sun the 23rd of June: Parish BBQ at 1pm- tickets available from Church or by emailing Trish Gatland or Alan Harrison You can pay online for a ticket by paying into the St Paul’s Fees Account, Ref BBQ: 20-11-74, 80683752- and please do book a ticket at the same time from one of the above people. See you there!

Parliamentary Hustings are happening at All Sts on the 26th of June from 7pm, organised by Churches Together in Wokingham. Do please come along and do tell your friends and neighbours too.


As part of the election Bishop Steven is urging us to pray…

Together with my fellow bishops, I am inviting you and your communities, as voters and citizens, to Pray your Part in this season of change. Pray your Part is a 21-day journey of prayer and reflection, designed for use in the days running up to the polling stations opening, beginning on 14 June.

Fr Richard’s Leaving

Do please see the Pews News for more details of the trip organised by SPLOG (and open to everyone) on Friday the 12th of July to Bond Brews on Heathlands Road- and then, on Sunday the 14th, there will be one service in the parish at 9.30am, followed by Games and a picnic on a local field (2.30-4) and then coffee and cake in the Parish Rooms from 4 to 5pm.

The licensing is on the 15th of September in Norwich Cathedral- anyone who would like to provisionally express an interest in going on a coach should email to do so.

Prayer during and for the forthcoming vacancy

We are all only too aware that Fr Richard’s departure date is now less than two months away!

Prayer — for the Lamey family, for Peter and David our Wardens, for Cara, Jane, Judi and other clergy who will be helping with services, for the PCC and the whole parish (St Paul’s, St Nicholas’s and Woosehill), for the recruitment process, for the Deanery … —  is vital. We hope for the coming time of vacancy to be a positive time of growth, both individual and as the body of Christ.

As I have already said (and will doubtless say again) to this end we would all do well to “add in” an extra, focussed prayer element to our normal routines of prayer and worship. The demands on our time and energy, and what this extra element could look like, will vary from person to person.

At the confirmation service Bishop Olivia said, “Pray as you can, not as you can’t”. But please do pray: on your own or in company, at home or out walking or in church … remembering always that prayer includes listening, not just talking, to God!

Some suggestions to consider:

  • Join a prayer group
    • Starting on June 5th, on the first Wednesday of each month until further notice

at 3.00pm at Jane Creasy’s house – 8 Arthur Road, RG41 2SX – for about an hour

Other groups may be meeting at other times and places –

do ask around (or let Bertie know when and where yours meets so others can join you)

  • Come to Morning prayer
    • Mon, Wed  and Thurs at 8.30am on Zoom (Meeting ID: 753 2006 4518 , Passcode: 024453)
    • Tuesdays and Fridays at 9.00 in St Paul’s Church
  • Arrange a regular (maybe weekly or fortnightly) prayer walk with a friend or two around the parish, praying for the area, the people who live there, the church groups there, the right applicants for the post of Rector …

If prayer walking is a new idea for you, one of these guides may give you some ideas, though the focus is a little different:       or

·         Arrive early for any service you attend and spend those extra minutes praying specifically for the parish

  • In your House Group or Tithing set aside some extra time to pray together for all the above needs and groups

The attached prayers are offered to the parish for regular use and inspiration at this time – thank you to all who contributed, and to all who will pray them. Printed copies will also be available soon.


Deputy Warden for Spirituality and Mission

And finally…

An excellent short article Mary has sent in about how God knows us and loves us as well as being the loving heart at the centre of creation…

God in the Details – Ignatian Spirituality

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