All change! – Covid is not done with us yet. Celebration postponed!
As Bertie is away, and has forgotten to leave the keys to his typewriter I have had to break in to put together this additional email on his behalf.
The services tomorrow (Sunday 25th July) will still be going ahead as planned, with St Nick’s joining us (at the 9:30). However due to a sudden requirement for Cara to self isolate with the rest of her family she will not be able to take either of them. Mthr Jane will step in to take the 8:00, and Colin James from All Saints will be our celebrant for the 9:30 service.
The main change however is that we will, yet again, have to postpone our celebration afterwards, of Cara becoming a priest, as Cara will not be there. We did consider having a cardboard cut-out of Cara, but it didn’t seem quite the same. The fizz will have to stay on ice.
Our prayers are with Cara and her family.
P.S. I think I have put everything back in the right place, so hopefully Bertie will never know.