But will every refugee fit on Lundy? [224]
Bertie and I are so looking forward to having some people back in Church on Sunday morning for our Palm Sunday Service. We will, of course, continue to Livestream everything as we move forward, but it will be wonderful to have people in the Nave again, and a sense of things coming back together once more.
Don’t forget that the Clocks leap forward on Sunday morning- and that you need to book a seat on Eventbrite for Palm Sunday and Easter Day at 9.30am.
Also, I’m delighted to announce that St Nick’s will re-open for worship at 11am on the 18th of April, and that the 8am BCP Communion will start back on the 25th of April, as long as everything keeps going in the right direction as far as infection rates go. The 8am Service will happen on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month until further notice. We will also have to be quite clear on where people are sitting to allow us to clean properly before the 9.30 Parish Mass.
Looking ahead to Holy Week
Here, attached, is the Holy Week booklet:
One-off links are embedded in the text, and links you might need more than once are at the very end of the document.
Here is a link to Bishop Steven’s excellent and encouraging Address to Diocesan Synod on Saturday, helping us to look ahead and treasuring the gift of the sacraments: Come and Eat – Bishop Steven’s Blog (anglican.org)
Here is some more information about some of the events on Good Friday:
The CTW Video is available from midday, and it is the equivalent of the Marketplace Event. The video is excellent.
‘No Exceptions’ – A meditation for Good Friday 2021 presented by Churches Together in Wokingham: Created entirely by Wokingham residents for Good Friday, this short film is a meditation on the person of Jesus, his crucifixion and its enduring meaning for our lives today. With drama and music, the film is striking, moving, yet full of hope. Watch and share with friends and family: You are loved. No exceptions.
The video will be available at this link to watch from 12 Noon on Good Friday 2nd April. https://youtu.be/KcLU4PH5vHw
St Nick’s Service at 3.30pm, but gathering from 3pm: a message from Judi
“I am looking forward very much to seeing some of you on Good Friday afternoon at 3.30pm on Zoom as we come together to celebrate Easter this year.
If you have a palm cross, or a holding cross, you might like to have that with you. If you like to follow the Bible readings then you will need to have your Bible to hand too. Community Singing on Zoom has not been a good experience, so Vernon will play the tunes of the hymns. The words of the hymns have been provided in the Order of Service. You can sing along at home, but we will all be muted during that time.
If you want to come to the service with a drink and a hot cross bun, biscuit or cake, then please do. There will be time to chat at the end of the service once Vernon has finished playing.”
Two Inspirations
An extract from the 2nd Century Epistle to Diognetus:
Having in the former times
demonstrated the inability of our nature to obtain life,
and having now revealed a Saviour
able to save even creatures with no ability,
lead us now to trust in your kindness.
May we embrace Christ as
our Nurse
our Father
our Teacher
our Counsellor
our Physician
our Wisdom
our Light
our Honour
our Glory
our Strength and our Life
And finally, a Palm Sunday prayer from Fr Tony
All glory to you, O Lord our King, the Son of David who comes in the name of the Lord!
We welcome you with enthusiasm and expectation, and with joy in our hearts;
We wave our palm branches and lay all that we possess in your pathway into our lives;
Entering your own city to shouts of praise, to face the events of this turbulent week.
Lord, give us the strength and the fortitude to stay by your side during the gathering storm;
May your enduring love and wisdom continue to dwell in our hearts in the days to come;
With a stronger sense of unwavering loyalty, resolute in our discipleship; and ready to
Take up our cross and follow our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we pray. Amen.