
Christingle Services

Given the current context, it feels risky to hold the normal Christingle Services in Church. It is really sad not to be able to do that but having so many people in Church at 3pm followed by the same number again at 5pm does not feel safe.

At the moment, all of the other usual services are going ahead because the attendance at them is lower and because they are more spread out.

So, if you normally come to the Christingle Service, here are the choices:

  • Come along to St Paul’s Junior School Playground at 3pm or 5pm on Christmas Eve for our inspiring and beautiful Crib Service
  • Try a service you haven’t been to before- there are loads
  • If you want to do your own Christingle at home you can email and we will send you a pack containing everything apart from the orange so you can make your own at home
  • You can always join in with last year’s Christingle Service, which is still here on YouTube:…So, lots of options- which will you go for?

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