CW Paulinus, 644; Thomas Traherne, 1674

Paulinus, Bishop of York, Missionary, 644
Thomas Traherne, Poet, Spiritual Writer, 1674

Green / white

Exciting Holiness
Isaiah 2.2-5
Psalm 27.1, 2, 4, 5
Ephesians 2.4-10
Matthew 28.16-end

Holy Communion
Galatians 3.1-5
Canticle: Benedictus
Luke 11.5-13

Morning Prayer
Psalms 113, 115
2 Kings 19.1-19
Philippians 2.14-end

Evening Prayer
Psalms 114, 116, 117
1 Maccabees 7.21-end or
2 Chronicles 29.20-end
John 13.31-end

Additional Weekday Lectionary
Ecclesiasticus 18.1-14 or Job 26
1 Corinthians 11.17-end


God our Saviour,
who sent Paulinus to preach and to baptize,
and so to build up your Church in this land:
grant that, inspired by his example,
we may tell all the world of your truth,
that with him we may receive the reward
you prepare for all your faithful servants;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.

Post Communion

Holy Father,
who gathered us here around the table of your Son
to share this meal with the whole household of God:
in that new world where you reveal
the fullness of your peace,
gather people of every race and language
to share with Paulinus and all your saints
in the eternal banquet of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Anglican Cycle of Prayer
The Diocese of Kaduna: The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)


Oct 10 2024


12:00 am - 12:00 am
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