The Walter Lectures
A new series of lectures by guest speakers offer conclusive evidence for climate change and the likely impact it will have on all aspects of our lives. All lectures at 7pm, All Saints Church Wokingham RG40 1YA
Climate Change – Climate Justice
Climate change is an impending crisis for the world. We need to understand the reality of climate change and the impact it will have on all our lives.
It requires all of us in all countries to consider the effect on the climate in every decision we make. It is not possible to carry on as we do now. The poorest countries and the poorest people in each country will suffer the most.
How can we address the impact of climate change on the earth and how should we deliver justice to all countries and all people?
We cannot afford for all countries to develop as we in England have done, and all countries and all people need to be able to benefit from changes in behaviour and technology to deliver Climate Justice to the world.
In this series of lectures, guest speakers, who are experts in their field, will explain the conclusive evidence for climate change, the likely impact it will have on all aspects of our lives and give us information to make informed choices in dealing with climate change, to deliver a just and effective response which will help all humanity live and with dignity and in peace.
The lectures will focus on:
- Evidence for climate change
- Potential effects on the weather here in Wokingham
- Effects on food availability
- Energy generation
- Environmental effects – biodiversity etc
- Government and local authority activities
- Potential changes we could make to our houses and businesses
- Risk of flooding
- How politicians view the need to act
The Lectures

Thursday, 14 September
The Challenge of Climate Change – Prof Sir Brian Hoskins
The latest science on climate change and the implications of projections for the future will be summarised. The status of international discussions on stopping dangerous climate change and the possibility and advantages of doing this in an equable manner, a just transition, will be discussed. Comments will also be made on UK progress in making its contribution. Reasons for optimism will be assessed.
Sir Brian Hoskins was the Founding Director of the Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment, and is now its Chair. He has been a Professor in Meteorology at the University of Reading for more than 35 years, and now fills the position on a part-time basis.
For 10 years he also held a Royal Society Professorship. His research is in weather and climate, in particular the understanding of atmospheric motion on all scales. His international roles have included being vice-chair of the Joint Scientific Committee for the World Climate Research Programme, President of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences and involvement in the 2007 IPCC international climate change assessment. He has also had numerous UK roles, including playing a major part in the 2000 report by The Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution that first proposed a 60% target for UK carbon dioxide emission reduction by 2050. In 2018 he completed 10 years as a member o the UK Committee on Climate Change.

Thursday, 21 September
Responding with faith to the climate and ecological crises – Hannah Mann
What can the world of faith, particularly Christian faith, offer in response to the climate and ecological crises? This talk will explore how the Christian faith compels a unique and powerful response amongst believers, and some of the ways that individuals, congregations and churches are making an impact through the Eco Church Programme.
Hannah has an extensive career working in environmental sustainability, initially with particular focus on active and sustainable travel and behaviour change. She has previously worked with charities including Unicef UK, Sustrans and Living Streets, before joining the National Trust where she co-ordinated an environmental sustainability network called ‘Fit for the Future’. She joined the Diocese of Oxford in January 2021 and now oversees the Environment Action Programme, which gives her an opportunity to bring together her faith and her passion for caring for creation.

Thursday, 12 October
Wokingham Borough Council’s Climate Emergency Action Plan
WBC will discuss their climate emergency action plan approved by the council in 2020.

Tuesday, 31 October
Energy Efficiency and Climate Action: Transforming Homes and Businesses – Siminand Gandhi-Jeyaraj
The urgency to address climate change necessitates a proactive approach to reduce energy transfer in and out of people’s houses, while also encouraging positive aims to explore strategies and approaches for minimising energy loss, engaging individuals in climate action, and optimising energy upgrades for both homes and business premises. By understanding how to reduce energy loss, improve domestic energy generation with storage and adopt sustainable practices, we can make significant strides towards achieving a greener future.
Siminand is the founder and director of Simple Grids energy-upgrade market platform. He is a mission-driven engineer embarking on the journey of accelerating decarbonisation by empowering people through technology. Having worked in the electricity generation, transmission, and distribution sectors, he now focuses on energy utilisation in the built environment and the challenges posed by the increasing demand from electric vehicles (EVs) and heat pumps. After a long career of 29 years in the energy industry, including roles at Scottish Southern Energy and Megger Ltd in the UK, Siminand decided to leave the corporate world to become a first-generation entrepreneur. He has designed the delivery numerous multi-million pound renewable energy projects, participated in industry panels and committees, and actively supports climate action groups. Siminand is a chartered engineer and has published and present technology solutions in over 20 countries.

Thursday, 23 November
Our changing climate: past, present and future – Prof Chris Merchant
Climate change’ is often in the news, but what do all these stories add up to? What is different about the climate changes we see today and what has happened in the past? What will happen to climate in future decades, and can we influence that? This lecture will give an overview of how and why the climate of planet Earth is changing. The key points about climate change that every concerned citizen should know will be presented, with plenty of time for questions and answers.
Christopher Merchant is Professor of Ocean and Earth Observation at the University of Reading. He has worked as a climate scientist for more than twenty years. Chris and his team are recognised experts at measuring in detail the warming of the world over recent decades from sensors orbiting the Earth on satellites. Prior to joining the University of Reading, Christ taught at the University of Edinburgh, and before that he was a research engineer in the electrical industry.
Tickets: Our changing climate: past, present and future Tickets, Thu 23 Nov 2023 at 19:00 | Eventbrite