250. That’s right. Email 250. Bertie, you’re a legend in your own cheese mountain. [250, clearly]
It turns out that Bertie has been unwisely celebrating his 250th email with some evil fermented cheese curd which, it turns out, is not conducive to precise typing or clear thought or even, it seems, making any noise other than a deep groaning sound. Let me draw a veil over this unfortunate and entirely self-inflicted scene of mousy suffering (Bertie would, I am sure, welcome all suggestions of what he should eat or drink in the morning to help calm the monkey drummers in his head beating out their tinny tattoo) and get to the notices…
Coming Soon
Before he was taken, erm, well, unwell, Bertie had been thrilled to sign up a Church team to Beat the Street, which is the thrilling and highly competitive local challenge to get out and about in the sunshine. Walk around (or hop, or cycle, or moonwalk) and tap your token against the orange boxes on lamposts all over time- especially Woosehill and Evendons and Emmbrook. Bertie needs at least a dozen friends to join in- perfect for anyone who is already out and about, or would like to be. Please email church.office@spauls.co.uk NOW to register your interest. Winners only.
A Message from Vanessa about collecting clothes for Emmbrook Infants and Juniors on Thursday this week:
Emmbrook Infant & Junior Schools Bag2School Collection: Thursday 10th June 2021
Raid your cupboards and wardrobes, ask your friends and neighbours if they are having a sort out! This is a great opportunity to raise money for the schools, look after the environment and find new homes for your preloved items. PTA fundraising opportunities are really limited right now so we are relying on our Bag2School collections even more than ever.
When/Where to Drop off:
- Emmbrook Infant & Junior School on Thursday evening 10th June between 6.30 and 8pm – Drop-off point is outside the bungalow building on the right-hand side of the school driveway.
- Parish Rooms on Thursday morning 10th June between 09:00- and 12:00am – Drop-off just under the porch where Vanessa shall put them into her car and deliver them to the school that evening.
Please ensure that you follow the 2m social distancing protocol at all times when dropping off your bags and leaving the site and ensure that you do not drop off any bags if you or anyone in your household is showing symptoms of Covid-19 or if you are self-isolating.
What to include in your bags?
Bag2School accept ‘good quality’ items for RE-USE*: Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’s clothing, Paired shoes (tied together or elastic band around), Handbags, Hats, Bags, Scarves and ties, Jewellery, Lingerie, Socks, Belts, Soft toys, Household linen, Household curtains, Household towels, Household bedding (bed sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers). Please use suitable bin bags or plastic bags.
They do not accept: Duvets and blankets, Pillows and cushions, Carpets, rugs, and mats (including bath, shower and toilet mats), Soiled, painted, ripped or wet clothing, School uniforms with or without logo, corporate clothing and workwear, Textile off cuts, yarns or threaded material.
How it works
The bags are weighed by Bag2School, and they pay us a fee according to the total weight collected. The clothing is taken and sorted by Bag2School, and the clothing will make journeys all over the world starting their new life! This can be a purpose-built second-hand store in eastern Europe or a market stall in West Africa, providing valuable employment for importers, warehouse staff, transport companies and stall holders as well as affordable clothes for local people. For more info, please visit bag2school.com.
Thank you for your support – this is a great fundraiser for our schools – We have raised over £700 this last academic year!
First Steps starts back this Thursday at 9.15am in St Paul’s Church- for pre-schoolers and their carers. Bertie is going to love having so many stampy feet right above his mousehole… Do come along.
Sunday the 13th of June at 6.15pm- Outdoor Service at St Paul’s in the Churchyard to the South of the Church, focusing on the beauty and gift of creation. Do come along, and bring a chair to sit on in comfort. We can sing if we’re outside!
Other matters of some importance
We are starting the Coffee Rota again from the 4th of July, if all goes well and it seems sensible- please email church.office@spauls.co.uk if you would like to join the rota after Church. Alan Harrison organises the rota if you would like to find out more.
Needed- volunteers to…
- stand for the PCC
- stand for election as Warden or Deputy Warden
- stand for election to Diocesan Synod (Friday is the closing date for that election)
- and don’t forget to join the Parish Electoral Roll if you have been coming to church for a few months’ now and would like to be able to stand for election to the PCC and have the right to elect our PCC, and to state firmly and publicly that this is your family.
Please speak to Richard for info on any of the above- forms are at the back of St Paul’s Church. There are separate processes at Woosehill but an equal need for volunteers and fresh energy. Roll up, roll up…
Please don’t forget all of the things we are talking about at the moment about and reopening things at Church. We have set four Guiding Principles for the year around what we will do- that things need to be about service to others, and/ or express our core identity, and/or excite us, and/ or be about presence in the community. We are trying hard to listen to what God is saying to us as we come out of lockdown, and which conversations keep playing over in our minds and which faces keep coming back to us- what is God calling us to and who is he calling us towards? Please read this booklet again and become part of the listening which leads then to our course-setting.
Latest update from our friend Bishop Hall in Madagascar is here…
And a prayer Mary has sent in for us to be challenged and inspired by as we continue to journey together, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit:
Holy Spirit Prayer for the Ignatian Year
Come, Holy Spirit,
Fill us with the fire of your love.
Amaze us.
Astound us.
Occupy our hearts.
Drive out anything that is not of You.
Come, Holy Spirit,
Renew the face of the earth,
This tired and hurting earth.
Teach us to cherish it, care for it,
Recognize your breath in it.
Come, Holy Spirit,
Fill us with the fire of your love.
Open our eyes to see as you see, our hearts to love as you love.
Teach us to listen, dialogue, and understand.
Breathe in us words that console and bring hope
and actions that bring justice and renewal
to the poor, outcast, young, old, and infirm.
Teach us how to live in unity, as one family, with one accord,
Empowered by the winds of your abundant love.
Come, Holy Spirit,
We are ready
To let go of the status quo.
We give you permission to
Disturb us
with the fire of your love.