
#332: ” A week is a long time in politics”


It could not be more exciting- people have been besieging the Rectory demanding an extra portion of Bertie before the weekend- so here it is- the vital bits of information you need to make your weekend complete.

1. Sunday Morning Baptism

As well as the usual 10 and 11 services, and the 8am, there is a baptism service during the main 9.30 which stars Albert Buddin as we formally welcome him into the family of the Church. Do come along to say hello, or do check it out online. Here is the Service you will need if you are joining in from home:

2. Other things coming up soon

If you’re free tomorrow (Saturday) then it would be great to have your help in the Churchyard, keeping the grass under control and improving the state of the Churchyard- it is a big job done by a committed and skilled team and extra help is always welcome.

Meditation Group Tuesday 14th June, St Paul’s Church: Arrive from 1pm for 1.15pm start.

Wednesday night sees the Associate Archdeacon, Liz Jackson, coming to St Paul’s to swear in the Wardens of Sonning and Reading Deaneries at 7.30pm, followed by refreshments in the Parish Rooms:

and then Thursday night sees the Mass for Corpus Christi at 8pm, which is always a special service-

and then Sunday the 19th of June sees the second in our Choral Evensong Series of Sermons featuring Philip Hobday, Vicar of St Peter’s, Earley, who made such a great impression when he took the Eucharist a few months ago and is moving to be the Precentor of Wakefield Cathedral this summer. The service and sermon will focus on the Platinum Jubilee and give thanks for the Queen’s loyalty, commitment and service.

Also… it is the CTW AGM at the Bradbury Centre on Tuesday night at 7.30pm,

and Teddy Sutton is being baptised at the 9.30am on the 19th of June. Lots to look forward to- do come along!

3. Safeguarding Notice given at St Paul’s on Sunday the 5th of June

Safeguarding Talk – Richard Lamey and Cara Smart, 5.6.2022

One thing we need to make sure we’re doing as a church here at St Paul’s is to talk openly about safeguarding.  We have policies that are talked about and discussed at PCC, most recently the PCC discussed safeguarding action plan and Promoting a Safer Church.  And it’s sometimes good to stop and take stock and think about what we mean by safeguarding and to make sure we don’t just talk about it at a PCC level, but also more widely.

For the church, safeguarding is a natural extension of the way in which we care for and look after ourselves and each other, because each of us is loved and precious as God’s child.  And when we think about safeguarding in this parish, we think about protecting those who are vulnerable, whether that’s children or adults, making sure we have the appropriate measures in place to run the activities and groups that we want to do, training for those who lead, and making sure that contact details for safeguarding officers and the diocese are up to date and easily visible.  Our information is in the porch noticeboard, with contact details for Chris Barker and for Richard.

It’s also important that safeguarding is something that is talked about openly and regularly.  We are here to listen and to support you if there is anything you want to say or talk about, whether this is something recent or a long time ago.  There are many ways in which people can be abused, and all of them are wrong and go against the way in which people ought to behave towards one another.  If there’s ever anything that anyone wants to ask or know, or if there’s something you want to know why we do it, or if there’s something that you think we ought to be doing and currently aren’t, please do ask Chris in her role as parish safeguarding officer, or Richard or another member of the clergy, we’d be happy to talk through anything. 

Holy Spirit, you gave the disciples the ability to communicate your love to all those they met,

and envision a world where all your children are treated with dignity, compassion and kept safe from all harm and abuse;

strengthen us with courage, wisdom and integrity,

that, as your church here in this place,

we may protect, safeguard and care for ourselves and those around us,

this day and always.  Amen.

4. A fun concert at Hurst on the 18th of June

And finally… a picture from Christine Field

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