#287: Fallen at the first hurdle- can’t think of a witty email title

My dear friends,
Bertie here, back with all of the news that you need. I sat Richard down and said to him; “Tell me what my friends need to know.” He hesitated, pretending to think, and I turned the spotlight onto him, and I said again: “Tell me what my friends need to know.” He burbled a bit about American football and Bramble the Rectory dog and I shouted even louder; “Tell me what my friends need to know.” Then he started talking about a oozy Camembert he had bought at the market and my attention wondered and, by the time I came back to the conversation, he had made good his mistake. Sorry to let you down. I’ve asked him to write it himself, and here it is…
This Sunday
Quite a lot going on this Sunday- 9.30, 10 and 11 (as usual, and with the first two being Livestreamed) and then the exciting new Taize-style service for the whole parish at 6.15pm at Woosehill, which we are calling Be Still. See you then.
And here is the service for Sunday evening, in case you want to print it out yourself or walk through it:
News and forthcoming events
Thank you so, so much to everyone who did so much to make last weekend a success- whether serving coffee, practicing singing, ringing bells, lighting candles in the Churchyard, welcoming people to the service and everything else as well! It was a really important and comforting act of worship for All Souls– and thank you to everyone involved. A reminder of exactly how many people have a role to play in allowing us to deliver worship which serves the community and gives glory to God.
J-Club are having a social event on Saturday evening at Jason’s house, followed by joining in with the firework procession and then the fireworks at Cantley. Do speak to Cara or Jason if you would like to come along- it would be fab to see you.
The next Meditation Group meets next Tuesday (the 9th):
Meditation Group: Tuesday 9th November, 1.15pm at St Paul’s and also on Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 757 5167 9882 Passcode: 1234
If you would like to find out more, please contact Susannah Riley, 0118 9792341 or meditationgroup@spauls.org.uk“
Morning Prayer is now happening on Zoom on a Wednesday morning in exactly the same way it happens on a Monday and Thursday- do download the Daily Prayer app and then join in!
Given the high rate of infection in the local community at the moment we don’t feel it is the right time to reintroduce the Wednesday House Mass because it happens in people’s homes. If you would like a member of the clergy to bring you communion in your home instead then please let Richard or Cara know. Thanks.
Other bits and bobs you need to know about
Here is the sermon Richard preached on the 24th of October on Mark 10. 46-end, the healing of Bartimaeus. Do enjoy reflecting on the reading and on the sermon as well.
For anyone who missed it, this is the grid we filled in in Church on Sunday morning at St Paul’s and St Nick’s as part of the sermon- if you do fill it in, do let the Office have it so we can add it to the display. Thanks.

Thank you to everyone who has been calling people throughout the last 18 months- it has been a hugely significant part of our service to each other and to the community, especially when we couldn’t get out and see people.
The Sonning Deanery Prayer Diary for November is here:
Soulscape are appealing for anyone who would be able and willing to bake a cake for the Staff Rooms of local Schools. It is a hugely popular part of the work of Soulscape and has been for over 25 years. You don’t need to do every week. Soulscape are one of the charities we support locally. contact@soulscape.org.uk to offer your skill, time and baking.
From Teri, re Christmas Cards:
I still have a number of the Christmas cards with a beautiful picture of St Paul’s Church which were printed a few years ago. I shall be bringing some along to the parish rooms this Sunday and they will be on display at coffee time, so that anyone who hasn’t seen or bought them before will have an opportunity to do so. Perhaps those who bought cards a few years ago, may care to purchase some for their new best friends who missed out on the first round of greetings! Cash, cheques or cards are all acceptable; proceeds to be donated to the Restoration Fund.
Here is a photo from Jean Vaughan of more of the knitted chains which the MU produced locally as a way of illustrating the issue of Modern-day Slavery. There were 1516 links in the chain.

Derek, Andrew and Andy have done an excellent job of re-roofing the Bier Shed near to the Railway Station Car park- here is a photo of the team in action, taken by Andrew- and do contact Andy if you would like to help maintain the Churchyard as part of the team. There is a whole range of jobs to be done and volunteers are always welcome.

And a more successful interview by Bertie…
I might have failed with the Rector but I did manage this interview with Mary Cassidy- one of my finest pieces of work…