
#425: Better working hours than starting at 9…

My dear friends, ’tis I, Bertie the excellent and very popular Church mouse. I have been following the traumatic story of the poor horses playing pinball with taxis and buses all across London today with great interest and intrigue- I will be chasing it up next week to find out how all of those beautiful horses are by interviewing my third-cousin, Corporal Barney Stablemouse-Stabledoor, who lives in Birdcage Walk and has a vital role in maintaining morale and standards in the Household Cavalry- his moustache is impeccable and his standards of dress are nearly the equal of my own, hard as that is to imagine. And here is the news…


Don’t forget that the Choir are at Southwark Cathedral singing Evensong at 4pm and the coach is leaving the Parish Rooms Car Park at 10am sharp. Then, on Sunday, there are services at 8, 9.30, 10 and 11 with the APCM and AGM following at 5pm in the Parish Rooms. There will be a full presentation of the financial situation in 2023 and the election of Wardens and PCC Members and other Church officers and the chance to look back together on all that 2023 held and all that the years to come promise. Coffee will be served from 4.40- thanks to the Social Committee for being willing to organise and deliver that.

The Carbon Literacy Congregational Course starts this coming Thursday (2nd) in the Parish Rooms- do speak to Louise Cole if you would like more details. If you want to find out more about the course and the Carbon Literacy Project which has created it, there is information here: 

The funeral of Pauline Dibb will be on Friday the 3rd of May at 10am at St Paul’s Church followed by the committal at Easthampstead Park Crematorium- everyone is very welcome. And if you have any particular memories of Pauline and reasons for thanksgiving please can you let Richard know so that he can include them in the tribute.


The next Social Evening is on the 12th of May in the Parish Rooms from 7pm- do being a drink and your favourite game and we will offer a room, tables and some nibbles. Why not bring along your tithings group and play some games together?

Christian Aid Coffee Morning– 18th May from 10.45 in the Parish Rooms.

The Parish BBQ is being moved to the 23rd of June. Fr Richard’s Final Sunday will be on the 14th of July- a 9.30 service followed by an afternoon of picnics and rounders on a school field, probably- details TBC. And then his licensing at Norwich Cathedral will be at 3.30 pm on the 15th of September- a Sunday.


It was good to have the parish so well represented on Tuesday at Corpus Christi for the Mass of Farewell to Sr Therese and the Dominican Sisters whose time in Wokingham is coming to an end after 60 and 120 years respectively.

Electoral Roll
The Electoral Roll for this year is pinned to the church noticeboard in the porch.  This edition has names only; if you have sent in an application form recently, please check that your name is entered correctly.  I do have a full copy with me in church, so if you would like to check that all your details are correct, please let me know.     Teri Austen

I am forwarding a photo of the MU members having a very enjoyable coffee morning at Jan Norbury’s this morning in case you might like to put it in Bertie.

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