#451 – We will Remember them
Well my friends, I’m back. You may have heard about my dashing deeds in the news, though being the modest little mouse you all know and love, I let the police take all the credit. It was indeed I, your humble church mouse, who rescued £300,000 worth of stolen cheese, and not a moment too soon. Of course I did have to sample the cheese to make sure it was all OK, it’s a part of my duties I take very seriously and never delegate. Hopefully there won’t be any more of those nasty thefts now that cheese theives everywhere know that I, Bertie, am always on the case. I suppose it’s time to catch up on all the goings on in Wokingham, a mouses work is never done…
This Sunday
It is Remembrance Sunday, and we will be gathering to worship God and remember all those who have died fighting wars on our behalf. There are services at 9.30am at St Paul’s, 10am at Woosehill and 11am at St Nick’s, where 2 minutes silence will be observed at each. For those at St Paul’s, or watching on the livestream, Christopher has sent over these music details:
Before (ca 12′)
Solemn Prelude In memoriam, from ‘For the Fallen’, by Edward Elgar [composed 1917]
Chant de Paix, by Jean Langlais [composed in 1945]
O pray for the peace of Jerusalem, by Herbert Howells [composed 1941]
Fugue sur le nom d’Alain (op. 7), by Maurice Duruflé [composed 1943, and dedicated to the memory of Duruflé’s friend, Jehan Alain, killed in action in 1940]
Also at St Paul’s you will notice 10 perspex clear figures sat in the pews, to represent those in the parish who gave their lives in the First World War. There but not there. We will remember them in spirit as we pray at this time of remembrance. Please feel free to sit beside them, to include them in our service as they were included before they left.
We also have these booklets that contain the brief histories of the men represented, put together by Jim Bell, Jane Clark, Vince Pearson and Richard Lamey.
There but not There | St Paul’s Parish
Display at Stowe
The picture for this email and those below were taken by Margaret at Woosehill, when she visited Stowe House and Gardens. It looks like a very moving and poignant tribute and well worth a visit.
Autumn Bazaar – 9th November, 12pm start
In what is clearly a highlight social event of the year, one you definitely don’t want to miss out on, the parish Autumn Bazaar is this Saturday, 9th November, in the parish rooms. Obviously I’m aware the date has been highlighted in your calendars for the past few weeks and the days crossed off in anticipation, but a little reminder never hurt! It starts at 12pm and will be there until 3/3.30pm.
As the Social Committee is providing afternoon teas well as lunches at the bazaar, donations of cake would be greatly appreciated. Likewise, the Mothers’ Union would welcome any additional baked items for their stall. It would be very helpful if these were brought on the day but, otherwise, please contact Trish or me if you would like to deliver them beforehand.
The SPLOG Bottle Tombola is a little short on items so donations of bottles of anything, not necessarily alcohol, would also be gratefully received.
Thank you for all your generosity. Teri Austen
Grand Draw tickets are on sale now. They are available from Liz Gallagher or Teri Austen. The first prize is a Lovely Luxury Hamper, the second prize a Wine Hamper and there are many more prizes. We would be grateful for donations for the hampers. There is a sign up list at the back of St. Paul’s and St. Nick’s. Also, we would be very grateful for donations of suitable prizes.
We would be grateful for any Bric a Brac items to sell at the Parish Bazaar. I can receive any goods at church today. I am also happy to collect items or you may wish
to deliver to me. Elizabeth Hunter 07956 280 413/0118 978 3260 elizabethhunter37@gmail.com
The choir will be running the tombola at the bazaar and would like your help by donating suitable items such as chocolates and sweets, biscuits, tins and packets of
food items, bottles, toiletries, unwanted gifts etc. Please can you put your donations in the box at the back of church labelled ‘Tombola’ or hand to Teri or myself.
Lesley Ruddock
Choral Evensong 17th November
Our next Choral Evensong will be on Sunday 17th November, and is the final in this series of ‘God’s Masterpiece’ when Rev’d Becky Bevan (vicar of St George’s, Newbury) will be preaching on the topic of Luke’s Gospel (very timely, as the new lectionary year with Luke begins in Advent!)
Do come along and stay for refreshments afterwards.
Sermon on Grief and Lazarus
Nadia Bolz-Weber wrote and preached this on grief and is well worth a read.
Lazarus Dig Yourself – The Corners by Nadia Bolz-Weber
Wokingham Winter Carnival stall – Sunday 24 November 2024 – 10.30am to 5pm
Churches Together in Wokingham are running a stall at the Wokingham Winter Carnival on Sunday 24 November 2024 from 11am to 5pm. This event is probably the most popular annual event in the town. Last year we gave away 1,000 Christingle packs with a Christian booklet inside. To enable the stall to make a positive impact, we need volunteers, not only to help with the stall but also to put together the Christingle packs the day before.
- Offers of assistance with packing Christingle bags at Wokingham Baptist Church, Milton Road on Saturday 23 November 2024 from 9.30am to 11.30am. should be sent to
- Victor Freeney on 07747 642073 (call or message) or victor_freeney@hotmail.com (email)
- Volunteers to help at the stall for an hour or two between 10.30 am and 5.00 pm please email
- Mary Cassidy mary.cassidy@spauls.co.uk who will put together a rota
- In your message please let her know how long you are willing to stay AND
- any time when you will NOT be able to assist.
- A contact number would be useful too
Remember, this is our opportunity to add a Christian presence to an event which might otherwise seem to forget that “Jesus is the reason for the season”.
Thank you for your support
Lucky Numbers
The Lucky Numbers draw for October took place after Mass at St Paul’s on Sunday 20th October 2024.
Congratulations to the lucky winners:
£50 No. 77 Jo Gulliford
£25 No. 2 Teri Austen
£15 No. 96 David and Janet Charlton
£10 No. 101 Judi McLennan
The Lucky Numbers Draw raises funds for repairs and renewals to the church building. Funds remaining after the distribution of the prizes go to the Restoration Fund for this purpose.
One share (number) costs £24 per calendar year; you can have as many shares as you wish, paying annually or monthly by Standing Order.
For more information, please contact Tony Roberts (979 5351), Liz Gallagher (989 1176) or Mary Cassidy (979 5096) – or talk to Mary at St Paul’s, or Tony or Liz at St Nicholas’.
School Visits
We have recently had year 2 from Farley Hill into St Paul’s to learn about the church and about John Walter III. It was a fun filled couple of afternoons, with interesting questions and chance to dress up in the vestments! They were a pleasure to have in, and have sent these beautiful thank you cards