#390: the summer has finally arrived!
Hello again, dear, dear people. Tis I, Bertie the ever-reliable correspondent, entertainer, enthusiast and good-egg. Lots to tell you about and pass on but, inspired by the best jokes at the Edinburgh Festival, I would like to start today’s performance with my two current favourite cheesy jokes which are actually not cheesy but slightly amusing.
What cheese surrounds a medieval castle? Moatzarella
What did the cheese say when it looked in the mirror? Halloumi.
And while you clamber back into your chairs, here is the News…
Huge thanks to Chris Cipkin and everyone who helped with Front of House for the excellent organ concert on Sunday night. Thank you to for everyone who gave so generously to the Restoration fund.
We are currently talking to tree surgeons and Wokingham Council about the oak tree which dropped a large branch at the weekend- it is not in good health and it overhangs the road. It is a beautiful tree but we are probably going to have to do some very severe work on it, or lose it entirely, because of its position and because it is in really bad health.
This weekend… sees services at 8, 9.30, 10 and 11. At St Paul’s and St Nick’s we will continue with our theme of the Diocesan vision and workstreams with a focus on young people and the environment.
The following weekend, the 3rd of September, sees the annual Bag Blessing Service at St Paul’s and St Nick’s- do bring along your school bags, or your work bags, to have them blessed at the start of the new academic year.
The weekend after that is a busy one, with Ride and Stride, and Heritage Weekend, and then a Games Evening for people who are new (ish) to Church or feel that they are still settling in- from 7pm in the Parish Rooms. Do please bring a drink and a favourite (quickish) game and we will provide other games as well as some nibbles. You don’t need to say you are coming- just turn up.
Sat 9th September: 11am and 2pm Colin Weedon will talk about some of the fine stained glass windows by Hardman of Birmingham
An update from Madagascar…