#455: The one with the fairy lights!
Hello friends, I have finally emerged from the tangle of fairy lights. Every year I wind them up neatly and pack them away carefully, and when Advent comes round again, they have tangled themselves up. I blame my cousin, I’m sure it’s his little prank. At least, I hope it’s my cousin, because if not then I’ll have removed his fairy light bulbs for nothing. I mean….helped him by taking them to make sure they all work, clearly. Hmm.
This Sunday
This Sunday, 8th December is St Nick’s Patronal Festival. There will be a Shared Lunch after the service at Emmbrook Village Hall. All are welcome and if you would like to come along please let Liz or Fiona know. Thank you.
Service wise we have 9.30am at St Paul’s, 10am at Woosehill, and 11am at St Nick’s. As always, the 9.30am at St Paul’s is livestreamed, which is great if you can’t get to church or are away for the week, or if you’d like to re-listen to the sermon or music. And on the subject of music, St Paul’s organ music is:
Flor Peeters – Chorale Prelude on Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme (op. 68, no. 5)
Otto Goldschmidt – A tender shoot
Max Reger – Chorale Prelude on Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme (op. 67, no. 41)
Thank you
Father Richard would like to thank everyone for their prayers, cards and messages over the last few weeks. It has made a massive difference to know that people are holding him and his family in prayer and love.
Meditation Group Update
Having had to meet in the Rapsey Room, rather than St Paul’s, last month, we’ve realised that meeting somewhere warm during the winter months (October to April) makes far more sense. So if the cold was putting you off joining us before, then do come and join us, usually on 2nd Tuesday of each month.
Our next date is Tuesday 10th December 1 for 1.15pm, Rapsey Room, St Paul’s Parish Rooms. This is on the left at the top of the stairs.
Would you like to learn more about Christian Meditation?
Starting with our meeting on 14th January 2025, I will be offering some teaching on aspects of Christian Mediation, over 6 sessions, starting with “What is Christian Meditation”. This will form part of our monthly meeting, but starting promptly at 1pm to allow time for teaching, meditation and discussion, aiming to finish by 2pm. I hope this will encourage you on your meditation journey and give you a better understanding of the history of Christian Meditation too.
Please contact me for more details.
Susannah. meditationgroup@spauls.org.uk
Yeldall Manor gifts
If anyone would like to donate gifts for the residents of Yeldall Manor, I will be collecting these over the next couple of weeks. Appropriate items are:
Stocking fillers eg pens, stationery, pocket games
Shower gel, toothpaste, deodorant etc
Small amounts of sweets, chocolates and savoury snacks
Small items of clothing eg socks, scarves, gloves, woolly hats
Each item should be wrapped individually with a post-it note indicating the contents so that they can be assembled into stockings. I should like to receive these by Sunday 15th December to take to Yeldall Manor the following day.
Items can also be purchased from their gift list at https://www.amazon.co.uk/registries/gl/guest-view/AH0MZZJ2VHSO or make a financial donation at https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/christmas-2024
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me. Teri Austen
St Paul’s Junior School
St Paul’s Junior School have a vacancy for a foundation governor to help represent the diocese and the parish to guide and support the school. If you would be interested in volunteering forthis role please speak to Pauline Wells who is Clerk to the Governors.
As ever, if you have something to share, inform, amuse etc that you would like Bertie to share, please email Cara at cara.smart@spauls.co.uk
Pictures of cute dogs are also most welcome.
Thank you!