
#454: The good news sandwich

Good afternoon my dear friends, and also my fishy friend in front of these organ pipes wants to say hello too. At least, I think they did. I was certain when visiting their beautiful church that I had found a fellow reporting spirit, another whose lifelong task it was to bring good news from across the parish to all, whose watchful eyes and ears took in every going on. But on closer inspection, my scaley friend did not do the same marvellous task as I, in fact, they were rather quiet. Almost like, how shall I put it, a fish out of water…?

This Sunday

This Sunday, 1st December, marks the first Sunday in Advent and the first Sunday of the new church year. This next church year takes us through Luke’s Gosepl, which happens to have 24 chapters in. So you could make it your Advent devotion to read a chapter of Luke each day, as a way of starting off this church year and Advent really well.

We have services at 8am and 9.30am at St Paul’s, 11am at St Nick’s and 10am at Woosehill. Then in the evening, at 6.15pm, we have our Service of Music and Readings for Advent. This is always a special time when we celebrate the start of the new church year and look forward to Christmas. There will be refreshments after the service in the Parish Rooms and an opportunity to join in some Carol Singing. If you haven’t been before, then the service itself is a lovely way to worship by hearing and singing some of the music we have especially for Advent, a chance to deliberately slow the rushing and help us prepare for the season.

Readers for Service of Music and Readings

There are 6 readings and 2 poems during the 6.15pm service, and it would be great to have some volunteers to read please, from across all 3 churches. The benefit of volunteering now is that Cara will send you the reading this week giving you DAYS of preparation, as opposed to asking after the church services where you’ll only have a mere couple of hours. Please let Cara know if you would like to read, cara/

New Bishops!

Yes, new Bishops plural have been announced today. The Revd Canon Mary Gregory is to be the new Bishop of Reading, and The Revd Canon Dave Bull is to be the new Bishop of Buckingham. You can read more about them both here, and do please pray for them as they prepare to take on their respective roles.

Bishop of Buckingham and Bishop of Reading announced – Diocese of Oxford

Vacancy Update

Unfortunately, we haven’t had any applicants for the role of Rector and Area Dean after our first lot of advertising. We will be working with the Archdeacon to work out when to readvertise next year and if there’s anything that needs changing on the profile. This means we won’t be interviewing in December.

Whilst it is indeed disappointing, there are a couple of things to hold onto. Namely, prayer and trust in God. God does not let us down or leave us alone, the person God has in mind is out there and our timing does not always align with God’s, however much we might wish that to be true. Having to advertise again is not uncommon, Father Richard came to us the second time around. For now, we carry on as we have been doing – praying for one another, for this parish and for those who are covering during the vacancy. We pray for the priests who minister across the 3 churches, for our churchwardens, stewards and administrator who are doing extra, for all who carry on faithfully ensuring that our worship, car and presence continues. If you are feeling like you could offer something extra, reading in church services, intercessions, organising, cleaning, going on a rota (and it is the C of E, we have plenty to choose from!) then do get in touch with Cara or one of the churchwardens.

As a prayer reminder, here is the prayer for the vacancy in full.

Almighty God, in this time of vacancy and change for our parish, hold us in your loving care, lead us in the way of your son Jesus Christ, and send your Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen us.

Help us to use the gifts and talents you have given to each of us for your glory, to seek your wisdom in prayer before we make decisions, and to encourage, care and pray for each other.

We seek your guidance in the appointment of our new Rector.

We pray for a priest who will value the traditions and ways of worship of St Paul’s, St Nicholas and Woosehill; a priest who can hold us together as a parish and embrace that which makes us unique.

Give wisdom and discernment to those charged with finding our new Rector, help us all to look forward with hope for the priest who will pray with us and for us; a priest who will lead us by example and inspire us with enthusiasm for witness and mission, a priest who will teach and preach the Christian faith and help us to serve you with joy and courage.

Make our hearts ready to welcome, support and love our new priest, and enable us all to work together for the building of your kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord,


Spiritual Direction

Following on from Stephen’s sermon (which you can catch up on YouTube if you missed it) last Sunday about Spiritual Growth, I wondered how many are aware of the SpiDir Network which covers the Oxford Diocese area.

This is a group of Christian spiritual directors who offer to accompany individuals on their spiritual journeys. This may be particularly important at times of great change in your life, or when you a have a difficult issue to deal with, or a feeling of inner emptiness. Or it may be you would like to explore ways to pray, or to respond to a sense of being invited into something deeper.

If you are interested in learning more, then please see the following:


Advent starts this Sunday, 1st December. Traditionally Advent is a penetential season, chance to reflect on Jesus’ birth, a time of patience, preparation and waiting, time often spent getting closer to God. There are a number of ways you could do this, and any time spent in prayer and reflection is good for your relationship with God. Here are a couple of suggestions, and do please let me know if there’s anything you would like to recommend to others.

  1. Read a chapter of Luke’s Gospel each day. As already written, there are 24 chapters which fits very nicely for December. If you miss a day, you can catch up. This is not something to feel bad about, but to draw closer to Jesus through.
  2. This daily Advent email reflection has been recommended: advent 2024 | Brian Draper
  3. Add in a deliberate time of prayer. If you don’t already pray Morning or Evening Prayer, you can add them in by either downloading the C of E app called Daily Prayer (it’s blue and by Aimer). You can also find Night Prayer or Compline on there which could be a lovely addition in December. We pray Morning Prayer in St Paul’s on Tuesdays and Fridays at 9am, or on zoom on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8.30am.
    Meeting ID: 967 8096 6787
    Passcode: 967885
  4. Use a candle to light, still yourself and spend time each day praying for the parish using the Prayer for Vacancy above.
  5. Read an Advent Book, Cara is going to read this one Do Not Be Afraid The Joy of Waiting in a Time of Fear: The Archbishop of York’s Advent Book 2024 by Rachel Mann – Paperback / softback – 9780281090013
  6. Join the Bible Study on zoom on a Tuesday evening, 7.15-8.30pm, where 4 different themes of Advent will be discussed, Tuesday Bible Study
    Zoom Bible Study
    Meeting ID 838 7693 1293
    Password 254711

Mother’s Union

Two things for this edition. Firstly, there will be a service for the 16 Days of Activism against gender-based violence at St Paul’s Church on Thursday 5th December.   The service will be led by Rev Jane Kraft and will commence at 10am, followed by light refreshments in church.  Please join us to pray for this campaign supported by the Mothers’ Union.  More details may be found on their national or diocesan website, or speak to Teri Austen or Jean Vaughan if you have any questions.

Secondly, Mother’s Union are taking craft items to this fair, so do please go along and support them.

Christmas Postcards

We have lots of Christmas postcards to deliver again this year, to tell everyone about our Christmas services. If you are able to deliver to a few roads, please get in touch with Louise in the office to arrange collection either from the office or the back of church and to make sure we don’t duplicate roads! And don’t forget to keep one for yourself to pin up and keep track of all the extra services this year. The services for all 3 churches can be found here, Christmas Services | St Paul’s Parish


Can’t you just smell those oranges even as you hear the word?! We will be having 2 Christingle Services at St Paul’s this year, on Monday 23rd December at 3pm and 5pm (please note the change from being Christmas Eve). And so we will be making the Christingles on the morning of Saturday 21st, in the parish rooms, 9.30 to 11.30am. Refreshments whilst we work will be provided, so please do come along to help if you can. And if you’ve never made a Christingle before, instructions will also be provided.

Christmas Day Lunch – Link Visiting Scheme

Join Us for a Joyful Christmas Day Lunch

The Link Visiting Scheme is delighted to invite older people to our annual Christmas Day Lunch, a heartwarming event designed to bring hope and happiness to those who might otherwise spend the day alone. We understand that loneliness can be especially challenging during the festive season, and we want to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to celebrate in good company.

Our Christmas Day Lunch is open to older people who would like to join us for a delicious meal, festive cheer, and wonderful companionship. If you or someone you know would benefit from this event, signing up is easy. Simply visit our website at or call our office at 0118 9798019.

We also warmly welcome volunteers who can help make this day special. Whether you can assist with preparations, serve meals, offer transport or simply be a friendly face to chat with our guests, your support will make a significant difference. Volunteering with The Link Visiting Scheme is a rewarding experience, and we are always looking for compassionate individuals to join our team long-term. No experience necessary and is based on your availability.

Let’s come together to create a memorable Christmas filled with joy and connection. We look forward to celebrating with you!

For more information or to sign up, please visit or call 0118 9798019.

Lucky Numbers

The Lucky Numbers draw for November took place in the vestry before the 9.30 Mass at St Paul’s on Sunday 24th November 2024.

Congratulations to the lucky winners:

£50     No. 20   Vince and Lorraine Pearson

£25     No. 35   Petra Johnstone

£15     No. 102    Alan Harrison

£10     No. 85    Frances Self

 The Draw raises funds for repairs and renewals to the church building. Funds remaining after the distribution of prizes go to the Restoration Fund for this purpose. 

One share (number) costs £24 per calendar year;  you can have as many shares as you wish, paying annually or monthly by Standing Order.  

For more information, please contact Tony Roberts (979 5351), Liz Gallagher (989 1176) or Mary Cassidy (979 5096) – or talk to Tony or Liz at St Nicholas’, or Mary at St Paul’s.

The Person behind the Politics: an interview with Clive Jones, MP

All Saints Church, Thursday, December 12, 7.30pm

This will be an opportunity to find out more about our new MP, Clive Jones: his values, his background, what he did before he got into politics – and how he is coping with his latest job! It will focus on the person, rather than the politics. Entry is free, but donations are appreciated. 

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