The basic building block of the Church of England is the parish. If you live in the parish then you have a right to have your child baptised or to have a member of the clergy from the parish take your funeral. This is fundamentally true of weddings too (although there are certain legalities which must first be met before you can be married).
Even if you don’t live in the parish at the moment, if you have a link with the parish then it is still worth contacting us and asking if you can have your service at St Paul’s or Woosehill because we will be delighted to help if we possibly can. We will help you through each stage of the planning process and make sure your service is personal to you.
Christening (also known as baptism)
The birth of a baby is a time of great joy and something to celebrate! Your child is precious to you and precious to God. Being baptised at a Christening marks the start of a lifelong journey of faith as part of the local and worldwide Christian family. In baptism, we thank God for his gift of life and make a decision to start on the journey of faith and ask for the Church’s support.
Christening is about hearing how much God loves us, about expressing our longing for God’s guidance and grace and about determining to share his love with others. It is a hugely positive and optimistic statement to make, and a wonderfully solid foundation for life.
It’s worth adding that adults and older children are regularly baptized in the parish- it is not just something which happens to babies.
( Read more on the Church of England website- )
Different churches do baptisms at different times. At St Paul’s and Woosehill we offer baptisms on virtually any Sunday, either during the main Sunday morning service or after the service at 1pm.
The morning service last about 70 minutes- the afternoon service lasts about 30 minutes
To discuss a baptism please contact our Parish Office (0118 979 2122) who will book you in for an appointment with a member of the clergy who will answer your questions and agree a date with you.
We would be delighted to help.
We would like to book a christening for our daughter who has just turned 1. Can you advice me what I need to do and how I can book a date with you.
Kind regards
Steph Sandys