Bertie’s injured paw-pad [256]
The photo above shows Bertie at his most dictatorial, following a freak accident where his typing paw got squashed underneath a ball of mozzarella while he was reordering his cheese cellar. The bad news is that he is standing on my keyboard telling me exactly what to type and what I need to say and how to structure my sentences and where the punctuation comes (it is a deep and abiding wonder that we have been able to work together for as long as we have, given our very different positions on the Oxford comma)- the good news is that all he can do is stamp his feet and squeak a lot if he doesn’t like what I am typing because there hyu ewf kewdaskml8u,m zcx asddsakjlzvx8967hjnmjpokn. OK, OK, I’ll do what you say- just stop stamping on the keys, and my fingers. What comes first? Oh yes, the joke… two medical-ish ones for today- Now, that’s a site for sore eyes. (Tim Vine)
My therapist says I am obsessed with revenge. We will see about that. (Stewart Francis)
Please don’t forget about the computer links sent out in email 255, to the Licensing of Honorary Canons tomorrow night at 6pm and then Cara’s Ordination as Priest on Saturday at 11am. Do join in- they’re both good and important things to share in all together.
Pam Beckett’s Memorial Service is at St Paul’s Church on Tuesday the 29th of June at 2.30pm.
A small Dorset mouse send this question: Bertie, my lovely (in my best Darset accent) it might be helpful to let people know where they can obtain the cards for Beat the Street. I believe Morrisons are providing them, but not sure who else is part of the scheme. Chèvre the love! Bertie is, he dictates, very amused by the pun there- and is keen to say that Emmbrook Post Office and Wokingham Library also have cards to collect. Enjoy!
Here is the Parish Report for 2020, with more to come, once Bertie has remembered which safe place he put them in…
Here are the best ways to donate to Cara’s present for her priesting:
1: By texting STPAULSCARA X to 70470 in order to donate £X
2: By bank transfer to: Account Name: PCC ST PAULS (please note the bank will not accept any deviation from this!)
Sort Code: 20-11-74
Account No: 80683752
Quoting “Cara” as reference
3: By cash to the Churchwardens, the Treasurer or via the Parish Office.