In it for the long haul- but in it absolutely together. As one. Family. Friends. Church. [188]
Dear friends,
I have temporarily wrestled email access back from Bertie by telling him I saw a wheel of camembert rolling down the hill towards the railway station which needed rescuing, which allows me to send today’s message- there will be one more before Sunday with all of the details you need to engage with the one shared service in the Parish on Sunday, at 10am, from Woosehill and accessible via their YouTube page: Woosehill Church – YouTube
I want to focus today on keeping up our spirits in this tricky month. I have been thinking and planning and plotting…
- I want to put together a music playlist of music to cheer the heart– a piece of music guaranteed to bring a smile to your face- can you tell me what it is and why it has that effect on you?
- Also, I want to put together a list of things you do to lift your heart– what activity? What action? What thought? What book? What film? What would you recommend to a friend which you just know will help them forget their worries for a moment?
And what could you do to share that with someone else- send a parcel, lend a DVD, deliver a bottle of wine or tasty squash, phone someone out of the blue- do something to bring a smile to someone’s face today.
- On Saturday there will be another Saturday at 4 social gathering- the link is here:
Meeting ID: 824 9898 9632
Passcode: 007776
The plan is to have a Saturday at 4 every week for the duration of the Lockdown-
Jane is organising a simple quiz for this Saturday (9th)- and then we need some more ideas-
what would you like to do? What would you like to find out about?
What should we do on the 16th? Do let us know…
- Jean Vaughan has put a cardboard box in St Paul’s Church to collect individually wrapped biscuits or cakes, and Fruit Shoots and fancy water bottles and so on to take to the RBH to show our love and support for the staff working at the Hospital. Jean is going to pass them on to Jennie to start with (from St Nick’s) who will be able to take them on to her ward, ICU, theatres, orthopaedic and trauma, which are all near where she works. If anyone else works in a Surgery or elsewhere in the RBH, do let me know and we can make sure that the gifts get shared round fairly!

Also, please do read the note on Broadband funding– we had an amazing response to the appeal and raised more than we needed. We would like to use the extra money to pay the running costs for the next few years, but if anyone would like some of their money back then the paper explains how to go about that. Thanks again for such generosity.
What do you call buying a piano for the holidays? Christmas Chopin!
And Jane Kraft has sent in an Epiphany poem for your enjoyment and reflection.
And Fr Tony Kemp has sent this Prayer for Epiphany:
Open our eyes, O Lord, to perceive the brightness of the dawn that is breaking upon us;
Transport us out of our deep darkness to journey onwards towards your marvellous light.
Be our true light, illuminating our pathway to come into your presence with joyful hearts;
To be filled with the radiance of the break of day and ready to proclaim your greatness.
We arrive with all that we possess, to present ourselves before you in wonder and praise;
The Child of Mary, the mystery of the Word made flesh, full of grace and truth.
Lord, as we struggle on our journey in search for you in the remoteness of our hearts;
Search us out and know us; come and make your dwelling place within our very beings.
To you, O God, be all thanks and praise for evermore and evermore. Amen.