Feast of the Baptism of Christ [189]
What you need to know for Sunday
The only Service in the parish is at 10am from Woosehill- the link is Woosehill Church – YouTube
The OoS is basically the one which has been used at the 9.30 for the last fortnight- most of it will be shown on the screen, and there will be a couple of extra bits included for the feast of the Baptism of Christ.
Please have with you a small bowl of cold water for part of the service, as we give thanks for our own baptism.
Jane Kraft is preaching- by popular demand!
Here is the link for the Coffee after the service, at about 11am- do please come along and join in with people from across the parish and beyond: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85155759369 Meeting ID: 851 5575 9369 Password: 662208
Saturdays at 4
On Saturday there will be another Saturday at 4 social gathering- the link is here:
Meeting ID: 824 9898 9632 Passcode: 007776
The plan is to have a Saturday at 4 every week for the duration of the Lockdown-
Jane is organising a simple quiz for this Saturday (9th)- and then we need some more ideas-
what would you like to do? What would you like to find out about?
What should we do on the 16th? Do let us know…
Things you can do to help at the moment
I want to put together a music playlist of music to cheer the heart– a piece of music guaranteed to bring a smile to your face- can you tell me what it is and why it has that effect on you?
Also, I want to put together a list of things you do to lift your heart– what activity? What action? What thought? What book? What film? What would you recommend to a friend which you just know will help them forget their worries for a moment?
And what could you do to share that with someone else- send a parcel, lend a DVD, deliver a bottle of wine or tasty squash, phone someone out of the blue- do something to bring a smile to someone’s face today.
Also, We’ve been talking to some of the staff at the RBH this week and they’ve asked for two things- one is some ‘treats’ to
keep them going during the very long shifts they are doing. All of the things in the photo would be really welcome, as well as bottles of squash. There is a box at the back of St Paul’s Church if anyone would like to donate anything and then we will make sure they get from there to the RBH or, possibly, local GP surgeries if we get a lot of stuff. Foodstuffs need to be individually wrapped- a box of biscuits wouldn’t work but individually wrapped biscuit bars would, for example.
Also, and at least as important, the staff would also love to have letters of encouragement from the community- a note, a thought, a prayer, a picture, something to read through or look at when things are at their most challenging. Again, they can be left at the back of St Paul’s or sent straight to the Hospital, or given to someone you know who works for the NHS.

Cara has written this lovely prayer for all those working so hard in Hospitals at the moment
Loving God, we thank you for all who are working hard to care for those who are sick.
We thank you for their compassion, strength and diligence,
for all the labour that is visible and for all that goes unseen.
May you surround all those who work in hospitals with your love and compassion,
encourage and strengthen them in the days ahead,
calm any fears and anxieties,
and may they find rest and comfort in your loving presence.