Step 4 Forwards, one step back [269]
Three things to look out for…
Firstly, Sunday looks like this- 8am BCP, 9.30 Parish Mass for St Paul’s and St Nick’s and then a 10am Service at Woosehill. There will be no service at St Nick’s this week because everyone will be together at St Paul’s as we sing hymns again for the first time on a Sunday in 16 months and also enjoy a glass of something fizzy and cold at the postponed welcome party to mark Cara’s ordination as priest at the end of June.
Secondly, here is the letter about how things will look at St Paul’s from this weekend- and thank you to everyone who has contributed and made their thoughts known. We have tried to find a middle ground which allows everyone to feel as if they have been heard and respected while appreciating that it’s impossible to give every single person their complete list of preferences in a single service and a single building. Here is the letter- do please speak to the Office or to Cara or a member of the Wardens Team if you have any comments- praise will be accepted just as readily as criticism…
Thirdly, thank you to everyone who joined in with the Beat the Streets adventure. We finished as fourth place in the charity Competition, well ahead of the 5th place team but a little behind St Paul’s Playgroup at the end. Which was a bit frustrating but at least it was our namesake! It was really good fun, and great to talk about it, and excellent to bump into people on the way around. Thank you for joining in- hope you enjoyed it- and if you did, then please be sure to read Andrea Harte’s note on Ride and Stride in email 268. Thank you too to everyone who has done so much across the parish over the last few weeks as things have started up again, especially serving refreshments, singing in the choir, mowing the churchyard, running the Mouse Hunt and everything else. It is wonderful to be seeing each other again and that things are starting up.
And finally… I asked my stroppy friend the difference between ignorance and apathy. He grunted back at me “Don’t know and don’t care.”
And very finally a joke from Milton Jones: I don’t understand. No one came along to the inaugural meeting of my Sarcasm Club which is a bit odd because lots of people said they were realllllyyyyy looking forward to it and would definitely be there.