
#279: can’t seem to find the score from the 5th Cricket Test anywhere


It is with great sadness that I have to announce the death of Geraldine Lea yesterday in the RBH. Geraldine was known to people from all three Churches over very many years- Deanery Synod Rep, PCC Member, core part of St Nick’s and its House Groups, parish Sacristan, Tuesday Bible Study member- all of which is just scraping the surface- above all, she was a firm and reliable friend, and a faithful and committed and generous and thoughtful member of Christ’s Church. She had never quite been well enough to come home from hospital after her kidney transplant- at the end her death was very peaceful and Cara and I had been to anoint her the night before.

Please do pray for her family, and all of her friends, and for the whole community at St Nick’s who have to face up to this news after a recent run of deaths among their number.

Nicky Uthwatt’s funeral is at Woosehill on Tuesday the 21st at 11am- and Paul Gallagher’s is at Easthampstead Park Crematorium on Monday the 27th at 2.30, in Braccan Chapel (the original one).

This Sunday

This Sunday sees a focus in the readings on Jesus as the Messiah, and how we have to understand what that title means- that it is not ever a guarantee of an easy victory but rather a call to faithfulness and service and the cross. 8am at St Paul’s, 9.30am at St Paul’s (with choir, J-Club and coffee after the service), 10am at Woosehill (with coffee) and then 11am at St Nick’s (which will feature coffee after the service for the first time since the pandemic began).

If you haven’t made it back to Church yet for a service, why not give it a go this week? You are welcome to keep a facemask on throughout the service and each Church is either entirely socially distanced or includes a section which is socially distanced.

Please also pray for Darren and Emma who will marry at St Paul’s on Sunday afternoon.

Also, if anyone who comes to St Paul’s would be willing to ring the bell during the Eucharistic prayer (full training provided) then please speak to a Warden. It simply involves walking into the porch and ringing the bell when the bread and then the wine are elevated. Simples.

And also, the new Pathway Magazines from the Diocese are now at the back of Church- do pick one up on the way out on Sunday, or during the week.

Quick Fire Dates for your diary

Ride and Stride tomorrow: here is one of the riders’ link to a donation page:

And a further note:

Please support this annual fundraising event for the Berkshire Historic Churches Trust. Remember, half of the money that is raised by our ‘team’ comes back to St Pauls. Please send the Just Giving link above to family and friends to get them to support the St Pauls’ Ride&Stride team as well!

ALSO I still need at least two more volunteers to be welcomers in the church during Saturday afternoon; it would be embarrassing if we had nobody there to greet any visitors. If you could help by spending an hour in church on Saturday afternoon please contact me URGENTLY via 

Also happening this week is a series of events in town for all ages:

Meditation Group: this Tuesday:

Meditation Group Tuesday 14th September 1.15-1.45pm In person in St Paul’s Church and on Zoom at same time.

As always, please do come and join us, no prior experience needed. If you want to ask anything beforehand or afterwards, then please email me.

Topic: Susannah Riley’s Zoom Meeting Time: Sep 14, 2021 01:15 PM London Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 739 6532 9714 Passcode: 12345

Tuesday Bible Study on the Prophets on Zoom in the evening:

If you would like to join us on Zoom;

Meeting ID: 861 4762 3913
Password: 702050

Here are the notes from the first session so you can get a sense of what the sessions are like and also not feel behind everyone else if you missed the first one and want to join in this week:

Choral Evensong followed by refreshments on Sunday the 19th of September at 6.15pm:

Harvest Sunday at St Paul’s and St Nick’s on Sunday the 3rd of October, including the donation of fruit, veg and cakes and the auction of goods towards our three charities and Harvest Lunch at 1pm in the Parish Rooms. Here is the notice from the Social Committee:

Harvest Lunch

Sunday 3rd October for a 1pm start in the St Paul’s Parish Rooms.

We will be serving soup and bread and fruit crumble, please bring your own drinks.

There will be no charge but donations will be gratefully received for the three charities.  We will have the card reader in the Parish Rooms. if you have not cash with you.

So we can have an idea of how much soup and crumbles are needed please could you either email Margaret Davies on or let Louise in the office know if you would like to come.

Office Opening Hours

For the next few weeks at least, while we adjust into a post-lockdown world, the main office hours for Louise will be Tue, Thur & Fri, 9.30 to 12: “but if it’s important please call first to make sure that I will be in and not running over to Church or anything like that”

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