
Walter Lecture – Sustainability Education

Thursday 13 February 2025 7pm, St Paul’s Parish Rooms

Empowering our children

Given by Matt Knight

Abstract: We examine some of the successes and pitfalls contained within the teaching of ecology and sustainability. How can we encourage our children to become environmentally literate without raising their eco anxiety? Why is it so important to get it right and what does success look like?

About Matt Knight:

Having spent 8 years teaching ecology and sustainability to children in a local school, Matt has built up a plethora of resources and project ideas. He has worked with fellow researchers and scientists from Reading University and UWE to help shape the future of climate learning. His specialism being aquaponics, where he has had articles published in primary science journals. Aside from teaching, Matt works for the environmental charity “The Tree Council” as regional lead  for the education department and is also a co-founder of the community orchards and gardens charity “Freely Fruity”.

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