
#459: which feels like the number of days in January

Altar at Woosehil

Good afternoon my adoring fans, whom I loyally and faithfully serve, week after week. I, Bertie, have decided that I shall write a book detailing all of my epic, daring, courageous adventures as the official reporter of the parish. I shall do signings, and book launches, complete with cheese and wine. I shall tell the wider world all about my work here, all the while remaining your humble church mouse. I have written the foreward, and there is more to come, but let me give you all a sneak peak…

“First, there was light, then from bounteous land

the small, unassuming mouse did stand.

All due to him, reporting became an art.

His path, brave, noble, true, take heart.”

This Sunday

Moving swiftly on from Bertie’s ideas of grandeur, we have this Sunday’s services coming up…

It is the feast of the Conversion of Paul, and we have services at 9.30am at St Paul’s, 10am at Woosehill, and 11am at St Nick’s.

Coming Up

On the 2nd February we will be celebrating the Feast of Candlemas. You are invited to bring along a candle from home to represent the fact that we are all one people shining with one equal light even though we are very different. Please either bring whatever you have at home or, if you have a choice, something which could represent you- and definitely choose a candle which will stand up safely on its own. It is a lovely festival, marking the end of Christmas, and the day when Simeon and Anna met Jesus in the Temple and rejoiced at the wonders God had done and continues to do.

New Sung Mass Setting

Thank you to everyone who helped organise, sing, play and attended the Songs of Praise Service on 19th January. It went very well and our new hymn books had a joyous outing! Those who were there learnt a new mass setting, which we will be using during February. If you weren’t there, the new mass setting by Peter Nardone and is number 683 in the hymnbook, the hymnboards will show this number at the top.

New Card Reader

We have a new card reader in church, luckily big enough not to miss. Please feel free to christen it by giving generously.

Quiz Night!

Brush up on that general knowledge, ready to then book at table at our upcoming Quiz Night! Fun for all, please see the poster for additional details.

Lastly, a reminder that if there’s anything you would like to share, advertise, an event, a prayer you’d like to share, photographs, cheese recommendations, a review of a good book or an interesting article you’ve read, please send them to Rev Cara,

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