#426: that is maffs, that is- maffs if you put a little + and = in the right place
Bertie here, back from Scotland where I have been covering the exciting events in the life of the Government there. I even saw a real haggis, walking down the street, on a lead. Or maybe it was a Scottie. Anyway, I am still a little confused about what made Humza Yousaf think that the Green Party would just shrug their shoulders, shake his hand and give him a hug when he basically fired them- he seems quite surprised that they don’t want to support his Party this week, which is in itself surprising. It was a long way to go but that it a key insight so do write it down and put it somewhere safe. And here is the news which has been happening while I have been away in the Trossachs…
This Week and next
Pauline Dibb’s funeral is this Friday in Church at 10, followed by the committal at the Crematorium at 11.30 am.
This Sunday is the Sunday before Ascension day. Services happen at 9.30, 10 and 11 with a baptism at St Paul’s at 1.30pm.
Thursday the 9th of May: Ascension Day Service at 8pm at St Paul’s
Sat the 11th of May: Deanery Event with Bishop Olivia in Reading for everyone who cares about the church’s connection with and support of and care for young people and children- do book a place if you would like to go along..
Deanery days (Berkshire): children and young people Bishop Olivia and your deanery colleagues would love you and your team to be part of our day focused on renewing our work with children and young people. People from across our deaneries are joining with Bishop Olivia and colleagues in a creative exploration of what lies ahead in this vital area of ministry and mission. The time together is designed, whatever your church’s starting place, to inspire, encourage and enable next steps in connecting young people with the love and faith that comes from God. Bracknell, Maidenhead and Windsor deaneries: 27 April, 9am – 1pm; All Saints’ Dedworth. Book now. Reading and Sonning deaneries: 11 May, 9am – 1pm; Greyfriars, Reading. Book now. Bradfield and Newbury deaneries: 18 May, 9am – 1pm; Burghfield St Mary. Book now. For more information email Kathryn Aboud or Rhodri Bowen. |
then in the evening look out for a special service of Evensong sung by Coro42… Coro42 is a choir made up of former choral scholars and keen amateur singers in their 20s and 30s. The choir sings evensong at churches and cathedrals around the South East several times a year, performing a diverse repertoire of male and female composers from across the ages. They are delighted to be making their first visit to Wokingham, and will be singing classic repertoire by Victoria and Walmisley, plus a stunning modern anthem by Sarah Quartel. It will be half an hour of beautiful music and all are very welcome.
And then on Sunday the 12th of May we will have our next Games Evening in the Parish Rooms from 7pm- bring a drink and a game and we will offer some nibbles and a table to lean on. Why not bring your Tithings Group along, or a neighbour? it’ll be fun- and that’s a Bertie promise. Which is obviously not worth the cheese rind it is nibbled into.
Sunday the 19th of May is Pentecost Sunday– please come along in colourful clothing- and St Paul’s and St Nick’s are taking ‘team photos’ at the end of the service, primarily for the Parish Profile but also for part of Fr Richard’s Leaving Present, so do please come along and do wear something bright. (Woosehill will take their photo on a different day).
Important Notice from Mary Cassidy
Message from Mary Cassidy, Deputy Warden for Spirituality and Mission: As May begins, so the date of Fr Richard’s departure draws ever closer! Changes obviously lie ahead, for the Lamey family as well as for our parish and the responsibilities of the leadership team.
Over the next months, prayer — for the Lameys, for Peter and David our Wardens, for Cara, Jane, Judi and other clergy who will be stepping in to help with services, for the PCC and the whole parish (St Paul’s, St Nicholas’s and Woosehill), for the recruitment process, for the Deanery … — will be vital.
I encourage you all to “add in” an extra, focussed prayer element to your normal routine.
Pray as you can, not as you can’t, but some suggestions to consider that may help draw us closer together in prayer include:
- Join a prayer group, e.g. from June 5th on the first Wednesday of each month at 3.00pm at Jane Creasy’s house (for about an hour)
- Join Morning prayer: Mon, Wed and Thurs at 8.30am on Zoom (Meeting ID: 753 2006 4518 Passcode: 024453)
Tuesdays and Fridays at 9.00 in St Paul’s Church
- Arrange a regular prayer walk with a friend or two around the parish, praying for the area, the people who live there, the right applicants for the post of Rector …
- Arrive early for Mass and spend those extra minutes praying specifically for the parish
- In your House Group or Tithing set aside some extra time to pray together for all the above needs and groups
If you have other ideas for corporate or individual prayer routines, do share them! The coming time of “interregnum” or vacancy can be a very positive time of growth, both individual and as the body of Christ.
And the Lucky Numbers are…
The Lucky Numbers draw for April took place at St Paul’s after the 8.00 am Low Mass on Sunday 28th April 2024.
Congratulations to the lucky winners:
£50 No. 81 David and Janet Charlton
£25 No. 20 Vince and Lorraine Pearson
£15 No. 56 Michael Dyer
£10 No. 101 Judi McLennan
As you probably know, the Lucky Numbers Draw raises funds for repairs and renewals to the church building, and many repairs and renewals are needed in the coming months! Funds remaining after the distribution of the prizes go to the Restoration Fund for this purpose. It is not too late to subscribe for 2024, nor to purchase an additional share. One share (number) costs £24 per calendar year; you can have as many shares as you wish, paying annually or monthly by Standing Order. For more information, please contact Tony Roberts (979 5351), Liz Gallagher (989 1176) or Mary Cassidy (979 5096) – or talk to Mary at St Paul’s, or Tony or Liz at St Nicholas’.