# 301: a whole new century of emails to collect and keep (depending on when you think a century begins or ends)

Dear friends,
Happy New Year to you from I, myself, Bertie. My life has been completely completed this year by an anonymous note in my letter box which told me that you can eat cheddar cheese with Christmas cake- or rather, that you can eat Christmas cake with cheddar cheese. It is like I died and went to cheesy-heaven- the complexity of a fine Bordeaux wine combined with the sweetness of a Sancerre. In fact, I think I am going to step away now and go and see if there are a few crumbs in the corner of the cake tin- back in a jiffy- Richard, please will you take it from here?
Coming Soon
There is plenty to look forward to later on this week– Mothers’ Union, Coffee and Chat and then Services on Sunday morning– 8am and 9.30 at St Paul’s, 10 at Woosehill and then 11 at St Nick’s. Do please come along- do do a Lateral Flow before you leave home- and it will be lovely to see you soon.
Also, the PCC Standing Committee and St Nick’s Council meet on Monday night- if there is anything you would like to have discussed or recorded then do please let Lesley Ruddock, Liz Gallagher or a member of the Clergy know.
Meditation Group 1.15-1.45pm, Tuesday 11th January, in St Paul’s (no longer on Zoom) Susannah. meditationgroup@spauls.org.uk
The Tuesday Evening Bible Study is still going strong- next week they will be polishing off the end of Isaiah and then there will be a new course starting which is soon to be revealed… here is the link for you to hold on to- starting at 7.15pm:
Thank you for restoring the Tuesday Bible study Zoom meeting until Advent 2022:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 861 4762 3913
Passcode: 702050
From our correspondents
Fr. Richard asked us to think about someone who has encouraged and supported us during the last year that we could write to and thank. I can’t single anyone out but I want to thank our lovely clergy team and everyone of you from our parish family. You have shown me and my family so much care and support since Paul’s horrible accident in June, through to his death in August and onwards. We have felt continually surrounded by prayer and love and that has helped to get us through these difficult times, so a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you.
Liz Gallagher and Family
A parting thought from the Rector
It is absolutely right that some people join in with worship on the Livestream, because of their health or because they live some way away from Wokingham. We are committed to carrying on Livestreaming and are very proud of the quality of what we broadcast and the team who run it. However, if this is not the case, it might be that you are not coming to Church in person at the moment because you have basically got out of the habit and I really want to encourage you, if that is you, to try to add getting back into the habit of coming to Church in person to your list of Resolutions for 2022. Give it a go again- you will be made very welcome indeed.
A Poem: When you are silent by Devon Hogg
Lately I’ve been
Seeking but not finding
Wondering what-if
Asking for guidance
Not hearing your voice.
What should I do
When my feelings
Are unclear?
You remind me
That when darkness
Fills the sky
I can still
Navigate by stars.
Trust in love
Hope and faith
To guide my steps.
Focus on walking
Down the path of love.
That I will find you there.