
#328: It’s all sunny again!

My dear friends,

Lots of exciting things to share with you below, including a Cheese and Wine evening in support of charity. Let me say that again- cheese. A whole evening in praise of Cheese- poems, ballads, love songs, maybe even one of those rappers explaining why cheese is the very best thing in the world and the thing that separates us from the animal kingdom. Read on, with excitement and anticipation.

Exciting Headlines

Here is a page listing key events this term at St Paul’s and St Nick’s- do read it through, and start to plan which of them you will come to (the answer is all of them, obvs) and put them in your diary. So much to look forward to!

Don’t forget the exciting Parish Coffee Morning from about 10.45 to 12.45 on Saturday the 21st, in the Parish Rooms and raising money for Christian Aid. Raffle! Things to buy! Cake! And tea! And lovely people! See you there. And do look out for Bertie too.

It would be great to have a few more people offering to be sidespeople/ welcomers at St Paul’s. You just need to be able to smile at people and make them welcome, and to be helpful. Most people offer to do one Sunday a month. For more details or to ask questions, please speak to Teri or Richard or Louise in the Office. Thanks. It is a vital job and a great way of serving the Church (when you’re probably already at Church) and getting to know people too.

And if anyone missed the Evensong and Sermon on Sunday night, where were you? And here is the excellent sermon on Psalm 37 which he heard and which stuck with everyone who heard it- praying “your desire be done.”

Coming Soon

Woosehill Church are hosting a BBQ and gathering after the Morning Service on Sunday the 5th of June for the Jubilee. That is the main event in the parish that weekend- St Paul’s and St Nick’s are not planning anything special that weekend because the feeling was that there is already a huge amount going on in families, in the community, in Town and nationally. The June Evensong and Sermon will have a royal focus, and the big event of the term at St Paul’s will be on the 17th of July with the Festival of Peace.

The Wednesday House Mass on the 25th of May will take place at Jean Vaughan’s rather than Liz’s, on Brook Close.

Ascension Day is Thursday the 26th of May and there will be a Mass at St Paul’s that evening at 8pm. Do come along.

Community Notices and News

Thank you to everyone involved in organising and supporting the Reading Phoenix Choir in Church last week. The money is still being counted but it is certainly going to end up meaning a donation of over £2,000 to support charities working in Ukraine and with refugees from that conflict.

The excellent Quench Bookshop at Holme Grange has been nominated for the best bookshop in Berkshire. Vote here to support them: Muddy Stilettos Awards 2022 – Nominate your favourite Berkshire business

Cheese. And wine. Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. July the 2nd, in the Parish Rooms.

May Lucky Draw

The May draw took place at St Nicholas’s after Communion on Sunday 15 May.

The lucky winners were:-

£50        No. 60   Liz Gallagher

£25        No. 4     Margaret Carver

£15        No. 15   Brian & Jenny Perris

£10        No.51     Rev’d. Jane Kraft

The Draw is a simple way of raising funds for repairs and renewals to the church building. One share (number) costs £24 per year and the draw takes place monthly (either at St Nicholas’s or St Paul’s) for prizes of £50, £25, £15, and £10. All remaining funds go to the Restoration Fund.

If you would like to subscribe, or want further information, please contact Tony Roberts (979 5351), Liz Gallagher (989 1176) or Mary Cassidy (979 5096) – or in person at church (Mary at St Paul’s, Tony or Liz at St Nicholas’).

And a short piece sent in by Colin for cat lovers everywhere…

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