#346: There’s football. Everywhere.

An Advent altar frontal from York Minster- which is ironic because the special Advent message from Bertie is coming tomorrow and this is meant to be one which is not as Adventy at all, although there will obviously be hints and references.
Wanted and coming soon
If you are free on Saturday morning (26th) and would like to help put the lights up in St Paul’s Church (fun! exciting!), or do some dusting around the windowsills, or work in the Churchyard, or help with refreshments then please do. It would be brilliant to have you there and you’d be very welcome. From 9.30am.
Sunday is Advent Sunday– more of that in tomorrow’s Bertie- so please don’t forget the Advent Service of Readings and Music at 6.15pm at St Paul’s, followed by refreshments in the Rooms. Services are at 8am, 9.30am, 10am, 11am and 6.15pm. Also, Sunday (being Advent Sunday) is the day to bring in Smartie tubes or peanut butter jars or plastic bags (or, as Richard suggested, wheelbarrows) overflowing with coins and pounds … cheques made out to PCC St Paul’s would be equally gratefully received!
The 4th of December is the day when we keep the feast of St Nicholas at St Nicholas’ Church with a bring and share lunch after the 11am Service. It is always brilliant to have people from other Churches in the parish there to offer support and encouragement- please speak to Louise Cole or Liz gallagher if you would like to come along so we know how much bread to buy!
Volunteers and jobs
St Paul’s needs a Health and Safety Officer to keep our policies updated and look out for concerns and problems- it is a nice, discrete job for somebody with a little bit of time but not a lot. Speak to Peter Wells for more details.
We also need more volunteers to help run the concerts we host in Church, jobs which would suit anyone who likes music- speak to Louise Cole for more information.
And we need a Treasurer for the Parish Rooms Trust– which is a job which can be done in regualr chunks rather than everyday and would suit someone with an eye for figures and finance. Speak to Rhoda or Vanessa for info.
The Deanery is putting together a Green Group to support each other and share ideas- Peter Wells is going along from the parish to the first meeting- speak to him if you would like to take part.
News and Thank yous
Huge thank yous to all who contributed in any way to the very successful “Buy a Box” event last week which raised an excellent £270 for Church funds- we are still facing a deficit for the year and every contribution helps. And it was fun!
Here is the latest poster for the Parish Retreat in the New Year- do think carefully if you could go because it will be well worth it.
And here is a Churchyard tree sent in by Gill: