#329 Can anyone help Bertie cool his cheese down?

Bertie here, and I’m still humming the beautiful music from Sunday’s Festival of Peace. It really was a wonderful afternoon of going round and outside and nibbling on various pieces of cheese that people very kindly left for me, and also I discovered I like watermelon, which was a huge surprise for me because watermelon definitely does not look or smell or taste like cheese. And yet, there I was, nibbling on my watermelon, listening to the children sing in the glorious sunshine. I guess God really does like a trier…of watermelon… I wonder if I’m in any of the photos or videos? Festival for Peace – St Paul’s Parish (spauls.co.uk)
This Sunday, 24th July, at St Paul’s we have 8am BCP said communion, followed by 9.30am Mass with the baptism of Imogen, and 11am Community Eucharist at St Nick’s. J Club has finished for the summer, though there will be printed activity sheets in church each week. Evensong and Woosehill’s ‘Be Still’ service are also having a break for August, though Morning Prayer is still said daily: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 8.30am on zoom, Tuesday and Friday at 9am in St Paul’s. And a reminder that Bertie is helping the curate with all the various skills she has to learn, we know it’s a difficult task Bertie, and we appreciate it, and are well aware that even if the entire world were made out of cheddar this wouldn’t quite make up for the cheesey puns she keeps throwing at you. Don’t worry Bertie, ricotta get through this, just as well you’re so cheesey going, she can’t help it that she thinks her sense of humour is pretty gouda and we know you are doing brie-lliantly. So any information for Bertie, please send it to Cara, cara.smart@spauls.co.uk, over the next few weeks.
Bishop Hall Mother’s Union Talk
Saturdays talk will stay on the Woosehill YouTube for those who would like to catch up or hear what he said: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VVQ1iXVV_0
Sarah has this message for us:
Dear Everyone,
I am sending you a link to the talk Hall gave yesterday in the parish of St. Paul’s Wokingham. Many thanks to Jean Vaughan and the Rev. Jane Kraft for organising the event. I recommend approaching your watching with a long cool drink in hand. In a darkened room, of course, as we are all being urged to keep our blinds down. Hall has been in the UK for a month, but scarcely at home with a busy schedule of travels to get round the family, latterly in Ireland, which was a great deal cooler than here at the moment.
Unfortunately I went down with Covid just before his arrival but Hall’s immune system has repelled all infection. As a Covid survivor (thanks I know to vaccinations etc) I will only say that the after effect of lethargy and feeling everything is too much effort have continued for an unexpectedly long time. At least that is what I am putting it down to!! It could be the heat!The long awaited Lambeth Conference begins next week. Several Bishops are having visa problems so we hope these are sorted out in time. We still don’t know how many people will be attending the conference, but the organisers probably don’t know either as yet.I must look out a fan to take. Not an electric one but a hand one to wave to and fro and create a personal breeze. An essential item in Mahajanga and highly probably in Canterbury if the temperature continues to rise.I am moving on from the general greeting of ‘Keep safe’ to ‘Keep cool’.Best wishes to you all,
And here’s a photo from Sunday

A reminder that the Art Exhibition returns from the 23rd of July in the Parish Rooms- do offer your support, and do offer to help serve refreshments if you can because it is a great service to the community and a good fundraiser as well for Church funds- call Jenny on 978 3470 to offer your time and expertise. See you there, Bertie!
Since the last issue of Bertie, #328, we’ve found out that apparently mice have to have their own first aid course, something about human and mouse anatomy being ever so slightly different from each other, so sorry about that Bertie, though I’m sure mouse-to-mouse resuscitation is more useful to you than to us. However, for the human parishioners there are still some spaces on the Parish First Aid Course on the 8th of October– please speak to Louise Cole if you would like to know more or if you would like to come. Some Groups are paying for members to come so that could be one way of making it affordable for people.
Lucky Number Draw
The July draw took place at St Nicholas’s after Communion on Sunday 17 July 2022.
The lucky winners were:-
£50 No. 72 Mike Darlison
£25 No. 92 David & Janet Charlton
£15 No. 84 Frances Self
£10 No. 9 Christine Field
The Draw is a simple way of raising funds for repairs and renewals to the church building. One share (number) costs £24 per year and the draw takes place monthly (either at St Nicholas’s or St Paul’s) for prizes of £50, £25, £15, and £10. All remaining funds go to the Restoration Fund.
If you would like to subscribe, or want further information, please contact Tony Roberts (979 5351), Liz Gallagher (989 1176) or Mary Cassidy (979 5096) – or in person at church (Mary at St Paul’s, Tony or Liz at St Nicholas’).
And finally, to conclude this week’s Bertie, All You Need is Love. As we’re getting more into wedding season again, we’re praying for all those who are preparing to get married over the coming months, whether at St Paul’s or elsewhere. And this very lovely photo was found on a bench at Cuddesdon during our tea break at the Festival of Prayer, by Lynne, Jane, Sally and Jo.