#334: a very attacking, or desperate, football formation

Hello, friends- Bertie here. It is quite hard to work out where we’re up to when you feel out of routine and different people are coming and going all of the time. But Morning Prayer helps (do join us- Mon, Wed and Thurs, 8.30am on Zoom and at 9am in Church on Tues and Fri) and it is always lovely to bump into people in the cheese aisle at Morrison’s. Or Lidl. Or Tesco. Or Waitrose. Or indeed Aldi. To be fair, I am not always in the cheese aisle- I do also go to find some crackers and some grapes from time to time…
Here is the news…
Sunday is 8am, 9.30, 10 and 11, with a wedding at midday. Richard is taking a service at Twyford because they are in vacancy.
Personal financial Concerns
The Archdeaconry have sent out some very helpful resources to support Churches as they try to support the community and congregation members through what is looking like a very challenging few years to come when it comes to energy bills and finance. If you would like to talk through anything in that area, or you have concerns, please do approach Richard or Cara in confidence.
Bits and important pieces
The next Deanery prayer cycle stars us…
Heritage Day and Ride and Stride: September the 10th
This year Heritage Day will focus on beer, bricks and bells, which is all stuff we like at St Paul’s (well, bricks are useful rather than lovely but you know what I mean). Do look out for posters etc about what is happening in the town- do pop down to Church to see the display on our bells- and do speak to Louise Cole or Mary Cassidy if you would like to offer to help out with anything on the day. Andrew Harte is still hoping for people who might ride or stride around the area, and for one volunteer to be around to welcome weary travellers who come to Church as part of their adventure. Andrew sent this message about sponsorship- half of what is raised goes towards St Paul’s, the rest to support Churches in the county:
“As the only person riding or striding for St Paul’s, I will be at the back of the church after each 9:30 Sunday morning service starting on Sunday 28th August with my sponsorship form, so that people can sponsor my efforts and raise money for the Berkshire Historic Churches Trust and St Paul’s.
For those modern parishioners who prefer to support me with an electronic payment, I have set up a page on Just Giving so that people can sponsor me online. Click on St Paul’s 2022 Ride&Stride Just Giving Page to sponsor me – and if they forward the link, all their friends can sponsor me too!”
Sermons and reflections from last Sunday
There was a lot of interest in and appreciation of the sermons last Sunday, so here are three things which you might enjoy reading through and praying over as you engage more and more with the reading from Luke 13.10-17.
Here is Jane’s sermon from St Paul’s and St Nick’s:
And here is a beautiful piece of writing from the always inspiring Nadia Bolz-Weber:
Human Bodies and The Image of God (substack.com)
And here is Richard’s sermon from Woosehill: