
#345: “once I caught a fish alive”

No prizes for identifying the photo above- but lots of prizes to be bought on Sunday morning in the mysterious “Buy a box” which you have no idea what’s inside or whether it is worth anything but the fun is in the adventure and the journey. Which is to say that even I, Bertie, have not been able to get to the bottom of what Mary Cassidy is planning but it will be fun, do come along and do bring your wallet so you can join in and raise money for Church while crushing your rivals- sorry, fellow children of God, by going home with the box they also wanted lifted high above your head in triumph shouting: “I define myself by the things I have achieved, like this box which may or may not contain a real genie. But probably doesn’t.”

Coming Soon

This Sunday is both the feast of Christ the King and also Safeguarding Sunday. We have services at 9.30, 10 and 11 and then the final sermon in the 2022 Series is at 6.15pm at St Paul’s, followed by refreshments, as always.

Advent Sunday is the 27th of November- please don’t forget the always- moving and always- popular Advent Readings and Carols Service at 6.15pm led by the Choir and followed by refreshments and carol singing in the Parish Rooms. Such fun.

Dates and Events

Please remember that people are meeting at the Baptist Church to pack bags ready for the Winter Carnival this Saturday morning. Please help if you can.

Also, the 26th of November is the next Churchyard Working Morning and also the day that Peter Wells is asking for volunteers to help him put up the lights in and around Church ready for Advent and Christmas. Please could you let him know if you would be able to be there to help get everything ready? Thanks.

Look out for this special MU service against domestic violence on the 1st of December, which we are proud to organise and host:

Volunteers Needed

Rather than doing the usual Posada like we used to, we are planning a virtual Posada this year- the idea is that you sign up on a set day in Advent and send in a picture of your nativity set, or draw a picture of Mary and Joseph, and then we publicise it and send it round so we are travelling through Advent together. The actual physical set will be travelling round Schools and Nursing Homes and things and those photos will also be included- some details are still to be finalised but do email Louise Cole with the date you would like to do so we can start to fill-in the timetable. Thanks.

Would it be possible for volunteers to come in to Emmbrook Juniors on the afternoon of Monday 5th December to help the students make Christingles? Please speak to Richard if you are free and interested.

We are also still looking for volunteers to deliver the newly printed Christmas leaflets– again, please speak to Louise! Everyone wins- we get to tell people about our services and you get to dance in the puddles in your happy wellies as you skip down the road singing.

Other Information and Ideas

Don’t forget the meeting on Christ Church, Wokingham this Sunday afternoon at 4pm for PCC Members who want to come along to the Cornerstone, and do inform yourselves about what Bishop Steven has been saying this last fortnight about same sex marriage and the Church of England, and how he has been brought to change his mind, and what he thinks might happen yet- and if anyone wants to discuss it with me I would be very happy to do so. And so would Fr Richard.

Also, our Parish Warm Room will start this Friday from 2 to 4pm in the Parish Rooms- if you or someone you know are at home and cold come along to the Rooms to have a hot drink and some warm company.

We are starting a new group aimed mainly for men of working age who have recently joined the Church, as a way of getting them to meet together and talk about all sorts of things including faith- if you would like to be added to the WhatsApp group organising the walks and coffee drinking.

This excellent document is a summary of the finances of the Diocese and our part in it- please do read and enjoy- on-the-money.pdf (

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