#409: catch your bin lid as it blows past you
Hello! Bertie here, still buzzing from the New Year’s Eve fireworks I saw on the tele. They were epic, although I couldn’t keep up with all of the changes in the soundtrack. I felt quite dizzy about that. So new year, new cheese cellar to open up and relish. I can’t wait to see what lies behind the wax seal under the church. I feel just like Indiana Jones, only with a better waistcoat. Anyway, here is the news…
This Sunday we are keeping the feast of the Epiphany, when we remember the arrival of the Magi at the manger. Services at 9.30 (all-together), 10 and 11- and the 9.30 and 10 are available online, as usual. It will be great to have John Edwards preaching at St Paul’s and then taking the service at St Nick’s, which will allow Richard to take the service at Bearwood at 11. See you then!
The Parish Roast Lunch is on the 14th of January in the Rooms- it would be hugely helpful if you could book for it this weekend. We are keen to make sure that everyone who would like to come is able to and made welcome- if the price of the lunch is in way an issue, please have a quiet word with Richard who will give you a ticket or a discount.
Bishop Steven reflects on the Lord’s Prayer at Christmas here…
A Christmas Reflection on the Lord’s Prayer – Bishop Steven’s Blog (anglican.org)
Prayer Cycle for the Deanery, here…
Coming Soon and Notices
PCC Standing Committee are meeting on Monday night (the 8th)- if you have anything you would us to discuss or consider, please send it to Lesley Ruddock or Fr Richard.
5, 6, 7, 8s starts back on Zoom on Mondays at 5pm on the 15th- if you know anyone who would be interested from School Years 5 to 9 please speak to Richard so he can send them an invitation.
The Parish Online Bible Study starts back on Tuesday the 16th of January at 7.30pm- the focus this half-term is on Mark’s Gospel and Fr Richard will do an intro for it that night. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83876931293?pwd=V2dURU9WNExGb280QmhzSWE4elFIQT09
Meeting ID: 838 7693 1293 Passcode: 254711