#389: eve of the World Cup semi-final edition

It is jolly exciting- the sky has turned blue again in a way I have not seen since June- or last summer or some time ago- so I am lying on the south aisle roof with a glass of port in one paw and a fine selection of slices of brie spread all around me. I am trying to choose my favourite but it is very hard to pick just one so I need to try that one again, just to sure, and then maybe that one- and a nibble of that- and it turns out that they are all my favourites. You are all my favourites. Come here, and have a cuddle. And now I have the equivalent of Paddington’s marmalade sandwich, which is creamy brie squashed against my fur, for when there is an emergency. Marvellous. The news!
This Sunday there are services at 9.30 including the baptism of Joe Carrabine, 10am and 11am. There will be the second part of our three-part sermon series at St Paul’s and St Nick’s building on what was said this week around the need for a touchstone and the need for the Church to care for the poor and vulnerable just as much as Jesus himself does.
Then there is the treat of Chris Cipkin’s first concert in the new series will take place at 6.15pm. It will be a high-quality and accessible and enjoyable concert, so do bring your friends- and there will be a retiring collection for the Church restoration project. Please do bring your pocket money with you and please do give generously.
And in other news…
An anonymous writer from the congregation writes…
I went out in the garden to cut the grass (overdue) and pull out some weeds (ditto). Sitting on the grass in the shade pulling out some of the MANY creeping buttercups in what passes for our lawn – more moss and other plants than actual grass – I was fascinated by the way it (as I discovered the name says it does) CREEPS, sending out thin, delicate shoots through the grass and other plants. These shoots put down fine roots every 15cm or so and once the root is down it doesn’t matter if the runner is broken – a new plant is settling in! It struck me that this is how mission, at its best, works in the church – tentative, weak perhaps, missionaries venture out, set a little root in place (contact with people) and keep moving on and rooting more. It doesn’t matter if the link is broken if the Holy Spirit is at work.
The trap so easily fallen into is to settle down and not keep spreading – then pulling up the bigger root may leave a hole in the ground and nothing more to feed the beetles and bees! Confused metaphor, perhaps, but that’s my thought for the day – keep moving outwards and leave God to work on the rooting!!
We will have the traditional and ever-popular Bag Blessing in Church on Sunday the 3rd of September at St Paul’s and St Nick’s- it is fast-becoming a key tradition at the start of the new School year. Do put it in the diary now! Then J-Club will start back, on the 10th of September.
Don’t forget the excellent lectures on Climate Change which is being primarily organised by our very own Andy Clark at All Saints- and do tell your friends and neighbours about them too..
As well as being the weekend of Ride and Stride, the 10th of September is also a Historic Open Day across the country- Mary Cassidy write this about St Paul’s…
St Paul’s Church will certainly be open from 10am to 4pm, and possibly a little longer, on Heritage Day.
We will try to highlight some of the creative features of our Victorian building and the artworks inside, including the font and the stained glass. Particular focus may be on the icon Jesus healing the woman with a haemorrhage and raising the daughter of Jairus, by Julia Stankova, which was Commissioned by the Parish to remember the long, difficult months of the Covid pandemic, and the outpouring of community and love which it inspired, as well as the repair of the building after the arson attack of Passiontide 2021. Other more informal creative items will also be on display.
and this is what is happening in and across Wokingham…
The latest update from Bishop Hall in Madagascar…
And finally…
John Edwards (the priest who helps out every first Sunday of the month) and Colin Weedon have been working on the history and origins of the hidden window which is also by Hardman of Birmingham and now almost invisible behind the organ. There was originally a lot more space behind the organ in the organ loft which has now been lost as the organ has been turned to face the chancel and also replaced just over 25 years ago. it very much goes with the windows you can easily see in the Church but it is hard to see because of its position so here are some photos- it is a lovely window and it balances the window of the four Gospel-writers by the Lady Chapel. More to come when we have more! if anyone has any information about the history of the window please let Colin or John or me know.