#343: It’s starting to feel a tiny bit like November
Dear friends,
You find me wrapped up in a duvet in my little mousehole behind the organ- the price of cheese has risen so sharply of late that my specially designed cheese-rind furnace is cold and empty and I am keeping warm by putting my feet on a piece of yellow paper which tricks them into thinking it is sunny and warm. Or that is what Great Aunt Doris always said, so it must be true. Anyway, let me tell you all of the important things I need to pass on before my joints and sinews freeze utterly…
Coming Soon
Don’t forget the All Souls’ Day Service tonight at 8pm- candles will be lit from 6.30pm and all volunteers are welcome to help with that- it is always a moving service as we pause to remember those we love who have died within the context of the Mass.
Also, 5,6,7, 8 meet tonight in person at the Parish Rooms from 6.30 to 7.15pm- as every week- and on Monday at 4.30pm on Zoom.
Bible Study on the Creeds tomorrow night, Parish Rooms, 8pm- open to everyone as we dig into why we need creeds and what they say and how we live them out in our daily lives.
The House Mass continues to happen on a Wednesday in Emmbrook at 10.30- it lasts for about half an hour and is especially intended for people who might not be able to come to a full service on a Sunday morning. Do tell your neighbours and friends and do think of coming.
We are hosting the Town Council’s Remembrance Day Service at 3pm on the 13th of November- if you can help as a welcomer or someone who is around and helpful please let Teri know.
Don’t forget- the excitement that is Buy a Box to raise money for the parish is happening- really happening- on the 20th of November. That is this month, people, this month. I am not sure I will be able to sleep between now and then.
The final sermon in the 2022 Sermon Series is on Sunday the 20th of November at 6.15pm- do please come along to hear Hannah Ling, who leads for the Diocese on social justice and inclusion. She will preach on Psalm 46.
Notes and Reminders
Please do remember some of the things in Bertie email 342– the leaflet helping you to plan and thank about your funeral, the call for people to offer to deliver some Christmas leaflets to homes in the parish, the appeal for people to volunteer to clean the Church among them.
Update on Cara: Cara has just been signed off for November with post-Covid symptoms- she is feeling a bit better than a few weeks’ ago and thanks everyone for their support and prayers, but she is still some way away from being able to work, hence being signed off by the GP. Do please continue to pray for her and to think of her and the family.
[Bertie adds… I took round a lump of best cheese last week to wish Cara well, risking coming face to face with her excited hounds- and if I can be that brave I am sure you could do something similar. It doesn’t even need to be cheese. I am told, although I am not sure I believe it, that other things can be left on people’s doorsteps to cheer them up. And, no, I don’t mind unironed clothes. ]
Other Bits and Pieces
This looks like an excellent book and is a lovely article: Let there be light: England’s Anglican cathedrals at dawn | Photography | The Guardian
An update from Madagascar–
And the November Deanery Prayer Cycle is here, for you to use and reflect on:
Back by popular demand- Mother Jane reminds us how to make Christmas puddings.