#441: the one where Bertie anxiously awaits his M-level results
I bet most of you don’t know that we mice have to take our M-levels, but we do. It’s not all rosy cheeks and scurrying about the church, oh no. I had to study Home Economics (with an emphasis on cheese), History (of cheese), English (Of Mice and Men) and because I’m a bright little mouse, I also studied Religious Eduction. One more day to go until I find out my results and will they be celebrated widely? No, probably not, I suspect that once again the news will be filled with A levels and teenagers, and us poor mice will find ourselves relegated to the bottom. Still, the curate has promised me a delicious cheesecake and promised not to eat any herself, and quite frankly, if that turns out to be true I’ll be amazed. Happy, but amazed.
This Week
On Sunday we have the Archdeacon, Stephen Pullin, taking the 9.30am Mass at St Paul’s and 11am service at St Nick’s. We will be celebrating the Assumption, and please do come along to either service, or both if you’re very keen. As always, the St Paul’s service is livestreamed to YouTube.
Then in the evening, we have the last in the series of Organ Recitals by Chris Cipkin, which starts at 6.15pm. Admission is free, with a retiring collection in aid of the organ restoration fund.
As Bertie alluded to, whilst he is busy getting his M-level results, our teenagers will be getting their A level results tomorrow. We keep in our prayers all those getting results, teachers, those confirming university places or going through clearing. May you get what you need ready for the next step, and whatever the results tomorrow, may you always know that you are first and foremost, a beloved child of God.
Ride and Stride
“Anyone wishing to visit churches in Norwich/Norfolk on Sat 14th Sept for Ride and Stride (and be sponsored for doing so) they should contact me by email at rideandstride@spauls.org.uk.
In the absence of any other participants, I will bring to church a form and will be in St Paul’s on 25th Aug, 1st and 8th September for people to sponsor me to visit two churches!
Andrew Harte”
Cedar Tree News
As some of you will know, we have been concerned for some time about the health of the big cedar tree in the front of the churchyard, which is leaning towards the church and has a large split in its stem. The tree was surveyed ten years ago and bracing works were carried out at that time in order to extend its life for about 10 years.
Earlier this year the PCC obtained a report from Tree Surveys Limited which advised that the tree was not in a safe condition and should be removed as soon as possible. Sadly there is no realistic possibility of extending the life of the tree further.
Contractors have been appointed to fell the tree and the work is to be done on Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd August. We decided to get the job done during the school holidays to keep disruption of traffic to a minimum. A heavy crane will be employed, which means that the Reading Road will be closed between Holt Lane and Station Approach on the 22nd and for part of the 23rd.
The Wokingham Society have offered us a generous grant of £5000 towards the cost of removing the tree (which is around £13,000), on the condition that a replacement tree is planted.
David Ruddock
One of our charities,HomeStart, is looking for new volunteers. As well as the contact details on the flyer, you can get in touch with our very own Paul Armitage (Paul.armitage @uwclub.net) for more details.
Earth Fayre
Wokingham Arts Trail
Bag Blessing
Congratulations to all who have made it this far down the email! A heads up that we will be having our Bag Blessing ahead of the school year during the 9.30am service on 8th September. If you have children in school, or you work in education, bring your bags to be bless at the end of the service as we pray for the local schools, families, teachers and staff.
Finally, a note to say that next weeks Bertie will be sent on Thursday, and then Bertie is off for a week, so do please send anything you want to go into Bertie to Cara, cara.smart@spauls.co.uk, and Louise, church.office@spauls.co.uk