
#449: The bumper issue, grab a cuppa before reading

I get by with a little help from my friends, Oh I get by with a little help from my friends….

I have been a very busy little mouse gathering up information from across the parish and beyond! Being a roving reporter can get a little lonely sometimes, so I’ve enlisted the help of these 2 beautiful dogs. The company is definitely richer but have you ever tried to train a dog? They are such hard work! Always getting distracted by sticks, food, balls, humans, each other, treats, doorbells, honestly, you’d never have this trouble with mice. Never. We are hardworking, trainable, focused, ca….oh look, cheese…!

This Sunday

It’s a full one, which is just how we like it. At St Paul’s there is an 8am BCP communion service, and a 9.30am communion. At Woosehill we have a communion service at 10am, and another communion service at St Nick’s at 11am. Then in the evening, we have Choral Evensong at 6.15pm, when the Revd Ann Gibbs will be preaching for us. Her theme is “God’s Masterpiece: Living with the land” which sounds perfect for this season of Autumn and Creationtide. 

We also have a gorgeous array of music to complete our worship, and Sunday’s is this:

Morning Mass

Before (ca 9′)

Holsworthy Church Bells, by Samuel Sebastian Wesley


Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, by Samuel Sebastian Wesley


Postlude on ‘Guiting Power’, by Paul Leddington Wright

Evensong Music details

Prelude on an old Folk Tune, by Amy Beach

Responses: Ayleward

Psalm: 142 (Blow)

Canticles: Olivia Sparkhall after Amy Beach

Anthem: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, by Samuel Sebastian Wesley

Voluntary: Fugue on the National Anthem, by Samuel Sebastian Wesley

Jan Norbury’s Funeral

Is at St Paul’s on Wednesday 23rd October at 2pm. We have been given permission to park at the Masonic Hall on Reading Road.  Please could we ask that those who are able to walk to church use this car park, leaving the one at the Parish Rooms for those who need it most. Thank you. If you can’t attend the funeral, you may wish to set apart some time during the day to pause, remember her before God, and pray for all those who mourn her.

Eternal rest grant unto them , O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them .
May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Autumn Bazaar

We have this message from Teri:

Elizabeth Hunter will be running a Bric-a-Brac stall and is willing to store items at her home prior to the bazaar.  She will be at St Pauls’ church on Sunday (20th) if you wish to bring along anything for the stall.

Also, I am happy to receive donations, but it would be very useful if bags could be labelled if they have a specific ‘destination’ eg: tombola, bottle stall, gift stall, hamper etc.  I also have tickets for the Grand Draw and you will be pleased to know that there has been no increase in the cost of the tickets: £1 per ticket, five tickets to a book.                                                Teri Austen

Harvest Total

Thank you to everyone who donated and bought things at the Harvest Auction, attended the lunch and of course cooked and prepared the delicious food. We managed to raise a grand total of…..£905! Which will go towards mission and the church. Thank you all.

Missing Vase

Has anyone seen this vase? Wokingham Horticultural Association recently had their Autumn Show in the Parish Rooms, and one of their lovely members has mislaid a silver vase which he used for his exhibits. It has extra special significance for him, as I believe it was given to him & his wife as a silver wedding anniversary present. If anyone remembers seeing it, please can you get in touch with me, it would great to reunite vase and owner, thank you.

Potter’s Village

All are welcome to attend an event on Saturday 26th of October to learn more aboutPotter’s Village, a small Christian charity based in Kisoro, south-west Uganda.

The Friends of Potter’s Village, a funding trust based in the UK and supported by All Saints Church, Wokingham, are holding their annual celebration afternoon at All Saints Church between 2pm-4.40pm. 

Attached is a poster that I would be grateful if you could share with your congregation.

The Potter’s Village is a project overseen by the Church of Uganda in Kisoro. It was founded by the Rev. Canon Jenny Green, who was a youth pastor in the Diocese of Muhabura and a CMS mission partner who had a vision to reach out to destitute children in the community.

Using her experience and inspirational leadership, in 2007 she set up Potter’s Village, which is now well established with a Ugandan team of staff and carers. Potter’s Village is going from strength to strength because of fantastic support from the UK and a truly wonderful team in Kisoro.

We welcome all to join us at All Saints Church on Saturday, October 26th, between 2-4.30pm.

All Soul’s Day Service

We will be holding a service for All Souls on Sunday 3rd November at 6.15pm, to remember all those we love who have died. As is our St Paul’s tradition, we will be lighting candles in the churchyard beforehand, so please do get in touch if you’d like to help with that. Please note that the church office is closed until 21st October, so any names emailed now will be acknowledged next week.

Grave Talk, Sunday 10th November

All Saints Church in Wokingham is holding a space for discussion and guided conversation, which gives people the chance to talk about life and death, funerals, and answer any questions you might have. It’s open to all, for every age, and people who attended the course previously found it really helpful to have that chance and permission to talk about things we sometimes pretend aren’t going to happen.

Advent Quiet Day

St George’s, Owlsmoor, are hosting at Advent Quiet Day, led by Revd Roy Burgess. Saturday 30th November, 10am-4pm, open to everyone and may be the perfect space and time you need ready to start Advent this year.

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