#311: which is half of 622, interestingly
Bertie here, back once more with an exclusive scoop. Here is a genuine photo of the first House Mass held in the parish since the 11th of March 2020. It was, I am told, great to start back on Ash Wednesday and lovely to be able to share communion together. And the shortbread which followed the service was amazing. Apparently. Anyway, to business…
This Week
Today is Ash Wednesday– there is a service at 7.30pm at Woosehill and at 8pm at St Paul’s, both being in person and online. Do please come along to one of them. Here is the Order of Service for the St Paul’s Service tonight-
It is really important that we start Lent well- do look out for the display at the back of Church and do read through the letter sent out last week regarding keeping Lent well. The invitation is to walk closely with Jesus in the Lenten wilderness so we will be ready to stick with him when he gets to Jerusalem.
Also, don’t forget the World Day of Prayer at 10.30am on Friday the 4th of March at the Methodist Church. If anyone wants to donate to such an excellent cause but can’t be there on the day, this is how:
I had a look on the wwdp.org.uk website and remembered that the way I gave last year was to click the DONATE link on the right-hand side of the homepage. ! This has to be a minimum of £10 though and they acknowledged it as though I had ordered something!
The best way seems to be via text message, see below. I lifted this from the homepage too.
As regards Gift Aid maybe you could say that envelopes are available in the orders of service and need to be completed if Gift Aid could be claimed. I can see you get a few beforehand when we meet for the rehearsal if anyone wants to give but cannot be there at the service.
On Sunday we will have a retiring collection at both St Paul’s and St Nick’s to support the work of the Red Cross in Ukraine: here is a link with more information… Ukraine Crisis Appeal | British Red Cross Please also remember that we are praying for the situation in Ukraine every day at Morning Prayer- do come along to pray with others for that very alarming situation and for all those caught up in it.
Meditation Group 1.15-1.45 Tuesday 8th March in St Paul’s.
Come and be still: Susannah: meditationgroup@spauls.org.uk
Other Forthcoming Dates
From the 11th of March we will be doing Stations of the Cross in St Paul’s Church at midday throughout Lent- it is always a moving experience to walk the road to Calvary with Jesus. Do please come along, and bring your friends.
Lent Soup Lunch: Sat the 12th of March in the Parish Rooms: 12- 1.30pm- do come along and do sign up.
Tea in the Parish Rooms: if anyone is interested in becoming a Baptism visitor (or is a Baptism Visitor) join us on Sunday 13th March at 5pm in the Parish rooms for afternoon tea. Baptism visiting is a privilege and it is not an immense commitment- if you would like to support those families who come forward for baptism and be their link to the church and a friendly face on the day do turn up, or speak to the Rector.
The next Deanery Synod meeting is online on Tuesday the 15th of March at 8pm and it has a focus on mission and outreach and connecting with the community and trying new things- and it is open to absolutely everyone so do please come along!
The next parish Quiet Day is on Sat the 19th of March at Woosehill: details here…
Also, excitingly, Bishop Olivia is coming to bless the new icon and mark the end of the restoration project following the arson attack almost 12 months ago- 2pm on Wednesday the 23rd of March 2022. Do put it in your diary now.
Wanted, needed, looked for, hoped for…
… People to help serve refreshments to those working in the Churchyard on a Saturday- speak to Teri for more details. It is fun and important and it makes a real difference to those who come along from the Payback Team since it makes them feel valued and part of something special.
… more people to help with the Social Committee so the events we all enjoy so much can keep happening, and a new Chair for the Committee from the end of April when Margaret is moving away.
… the sad owner of the following camera lens:
“Last weekend we found an expensive-looking Nikon AF NIKKOR camera lens in the road near our house and we are contacting all local organisations we can think of to try re-unite it with its owner. The lens was found at the junction of Brookside and Hawkes Close in Wokingham and nearby a patch of beautiful crocuses in a neighbours’ front garden: we think the photographer was perhaps trying to capture these when the lens was lost. (We used to be keen photographers ourselves and we’ve carefully dried the lens and it seems to be OK.) Please can you ask around all your many friends if they have lost a lens?
Regards, Kay and Bill Turmeau 0118 978 6267″
Two Inspirations and Ideas
An excellent article by the inspiring Nadia Bolz-Weber for Ash Wednesday: Take another little piece of my heart now, baby (substack.com)
And the latest Deanery Prayer Cycle: