Bertie moves into recruitment [260]
Bertram here- having mastered journalism and aced cheese tasting I have moved into the field of recruitment. That nice Rector has promised me a cheese voucher for every volunteer I find for St Paul’s through this email- simples- easy money, as far as I can see, because there is a job here for everyone and you all want to make me happy. Here we go…
Louise is on stand-by, waiting for a deluge of offers- thank you-
Do talk to Richard or Cara if you would like to know more about any of the roles below- these are the things we are actively recruiting for, but you would of course always be welcome to offer to help with anything else you have your eye on.
Some of these jobs are obviously for people who are confident coming to Church at the moment but others would be fine for anyone at all- for example, working in the Churchyard is something anyone at all could do, even if you are still unready to come back to public worship. And the whole point is that a Church is made up of a group of disparate people each making the contribution they can to allow the whole family to flourish. Do read, and pray, and think, and then respond.
Oh. Better go. There’s someone knocking on my door. Let me go and see how it is. Oh, hello- it’s opportunity.
Specific Roles
a) There are vacancies on the PCC, which clearly stands for Perfect Cheese Committee. Who would not want to be part of assessing which cheese are perfect? Oh, I’ve just got a note- it actually is the Parochial Church Council. That doesn’t sound as cheese-facing, but it still sounds important and worthwhile. meeting about 4 or 5 times a year to shape the direction of the Church.
b) We need a rep to liaise with the local Children’s Society Committee, which includes Jean Vaughan. It is not a huge job and would suit someone who wants to do a bit but not commit to doing too much too often.
Joining a Team
a) The Churchyard Team meet once a fortnight on a Saturday, supporting the Payback Team and doing some work on keeping the churchyard tidy and planting things and contributing to such an important aspect of our work and ministry. Even an hour once a month would be a help.
b) J-Club are always on the look-out for new helpers and leaders.
c) Serving coffee after Church (when we start back) is an easy thing to offer to the congregation and a lovely way of serving and getting to know people. Do please think of signing up.
d) Become a sidesperson– all you need is a reliable diary and a warm and welcoming smile.
e) We also need some more people to come onto the Intercessions rota at St Paul’s on a Sunday morning- if you’re someone who takes praying seriously then you are perfect for this role in leading the congregation to God in prayer. Training and resources will be offered.
f) People to ring the Church bell during communion on a Sunday morning. Training will be offered- I did try to do it but it turns out that you need to be heavier than a small mouse to make it work.
Thank you for reading to the end of the list. It does really help to have more people involved and it will really help you to feel more involved and more like things were before the pandemic as well. Thank you- which one are you going to help with? or two, perhaps? Do I hear any advance on two? Do I have three? Three? I have three. Any advance on three…
A joke to lighten your day
Did I already tell you the deja vu joke? You look like you’ve heard it before.
And a bonus joke as a reward for the email you’re about to send to Louise Cole. Don’t read it if you’re not about to email the Church Office…
A priest, an imam and a rabbit walk into a bar. And the rabbit says; “I’m not sure I’m meant to be here in this joke. I don’t think I belong in this company. I think I might be a typo.”