Does anyone remember the Squadron Number from Biggles? [266]

Dear friends,
As you will see from the picture, we are all in our final briefing stage for the big Mouse Hunt on Saturday (at both St Paul’s and Woosehill) which will run from 2 to 4. Or rather, we will run from 2 to 4 and you will have to catch us. It is going to immense fun but I am contractually obliged to tell you that any cats are not allowed to join in because cats never know when the fun has ended and it is time to stop. Very bad track record on that, sadly.
Upcoming highlights
- Bertie writes: many thanks to all of my 31 faithful and persistent friends who have got so many points for our team on the Beat Boxes. Everything has double points at the moment, the whole challenge ends on the 20th of July and we are in a life or death tussle with St Paul’s Playgroup (who are actually very nice but people who think like that don’t get Olympic medals or football championships). Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more! Which is to say, one last push! Let’s go. LET’S GO! Plus, there are a whole 100 points to be won by just filling in a short questionnaire- so why wouldn’t you want 100 virtually free points?
2. The MU Mouse Hunt is here- this Saturday… do tell your friends and family and neighbours- it will be lots of fun.
3. Then it’s Hymns and Pimms on Sunday at 6.15pm in the Churchyard- we’ll organise the Hymns but you need to bring your own drink. And chair. And sunhat. Or brolly. But probably a sunhat. We hope.
4. From The Rectory: planning for Sunday 25th and thereafter (once restrictions relax) is continuing because there is a lot to balance and think about. Thank you to everyone who has written to me with their ideas, thoughts and concerns- that I have had over 14 emails is a sign of how much it matters that we get this call right. The final plan is still waiting on guidance from the Church of England but the plan at the moment is to sing hymns in Church, to keep receiving communion in one kind at the chancel step of St Paul’s and in people’s seats at St Nick’s, and to keep using handgel as much as we can. At St Paul’s there are some people who want to maintain social distancing and some who do not and we will try to make sure there are clear areas for each group to sit in. We will obviously continue to Livestream as well. This is a complex area and the key thing is to try to make sure that everyone feels able to come to Church and to relax there and feel safe- the job of the Church family is to make sure that everyone can join in who wants to while we make whatever allowances we can to make that happen. More/ full details will follow next week, as soon as the central guidance has been issued. Again, any comments to Fr Richard. And thank you to everyone for their understanding and generosity of spirit over this.
A Message from Judi about Mick’s funeral
The funeral for Professor Michael Hattaway (Mick) will take place in St Paul’s Church, Reading Road, Wokingham, Berkshire, ( on 22 July 2021 at 2.30pm BST. The service will be followed by his interment in the graveyard of the church. Afternoon tea will be served in the parish rooms adjacent to the church from 4pm until 6pm. The service will be streamed for those unable to attend in person (we ask that you bear with us that this will not be a professional production).
We believe that the lifting of CV19 restrictions on 19th July 2021 will allow us to accommodate all who wish to be there.
Dress code- Smart or smart casual.
It would be very helpful for catering and printing purposes if you could indicate whether you plan to attend. Please email Laura Hummersone (Judi’s elder daughter) on to confirm.
Donations in lieu of flowers can be made through AB Walker Funeral Directors, Wokingham Branch, for Cancer Research or Autistica (a charity that conducts research into autism – which as you know has profoundly affected our family).
An Important Notice on the Church Banner
Banner/Wall Hanging Replacement Project
We are starting a project to replace the banner that hung behind the lectern before it was destroyed in the fire. Our aim is to produce a wall hanging that reflects the wide and diverse St Paul’s Community. The wall hanging will incorporate small (approx. A5 size) cross stitched panels, each representing an area of this community. There is a small team of people who are organizing the project and what we need now is to find out who would like to contribute to the wall hanging.
We are envisaging that each panel will be designed (and possibly stitched) by the community groups that make up St Paul’s. Designs can be translated into cross stitch patterns and kits made up for their completion, which could be by a member of the group or other sewers in the parish. The first step on our journey is to find out who would like to be represented. If you run a group in community that is part of the St Paul’s community, please let me know if you would like to put forward a design by emailing me at for further details. Please email or speak to me in church if you want to know more or if you have skills to offer.
We are meeting again in September to decide on the size of the finished item so I would grateful if you could express your interest as soon as possible and before 31st August. Many thanks, Pauline Wells
Other dates and information
From September we are looking for someone to join our Communications Team as a maternity cover to produce our weekly newsletter, service sheets, PowerPoint slides, magazine and posters. This is usually four to six hours of paid work each week.
If you are highly competent in Word, PowerPoint and Publisher and are interested in helping, please contact Andy Ferguson:
Saying Goodbye, (part of the Mariposa Trust) are returning to Oxford in July with a Baby loss remembrance and support service (part of a Nationwide chain of events). Due to Covid-19 this is not our traditional service, but we are happy to be able to bring a service to bereaved parents in your area.
The Mariposa Trust’s core objective is to support people who have lost babies at any stage of pregnancy, at birth, or in infancy. It was founded in 2012, by Zoe and Andy Clark-Coates, who saw a critical lack of support for people like them, who had gone through baby loss. With over 258,000 babies being lost yearly in the UK alone, the charity needed to be able to offer not only a comprehensive package of befriending and support but also national baby loss remembrance services (called Saying Goodbye Services), for people to join together and remember the children they had lost. 5 years on, over 130 services have taken place at Cathedrals and Minsters across the UK, US, and France, and 2021 will see 15 services across England, Wales, and Scotland, Covid-19 permitting.
On the 17th July at 7.30 pm, in Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, we will be hosting one of our Saying Goodbye Services.
So who is the service for?
Anyone who has either personally lost a baby at any stage of pregnancy, at birth, or in early years, or who has been affected by family members or friends’ loss. Whether the loss was recent or 80 years ago, everyone is welcome to attend. We have also extended the services, and gladly welcome anyone who is grieving the fact that they haven’t had children. This may be due to circumstance, infertility or for other reasons – but all are welcome. Babies and children are also invited to come with their family, as the Saying Goodbye service is truly a family event for all.
We know that as 1 in 4 women suffer miscarriage and baby loss, you will have contact with a significant number of people who have either personally suffered baby loss, or who have a partner or family member that has, so we wanted to ask if you would help us in promoting the service.
To read more on the charity, please see the Saying Goodbye website, which you can find at:
“You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith and hope.”
– Thomas Merton
Jokes of the day
I was going to tell you a joke about a friend of mine, Gemma, who would only eat plants- but then I began to doubt myself and started to think that you might have heard all about herbivore.
I’m reading a book at the moment about anti-gravity. It is unputdownable.