#365: if only the media blackout last weekend had applied to the rugby and not the football…

Amazing to think that, 3 years after we first went into Lockdown and had to lock the doors of the Church we are reaching email 365- once around the Sun for these emails. Lots to enjoy today- I have given Bertie permission to go to his favourite pub- the Cheshire Cheese- for a celebratory meal so I am left sat here, drinking cold decaffinated coffee while he wallows in fondue, bathes in it, swims it, dances in it and then tries to stick himself to the ceiling by his sticky paws. As long as he licks it all of before he comes back home it’ll be fine- but I am sorry if anyone spots him causing havoc on the streets of Wokingham tonight. You only reach email 365 once…
And here is the rest of the news…
David Ruddock reminded me that it is three years since we first went into Lockdown. Here is a recreation of the sheet we handed out to everyone at the time, about God’s constancy and constant love in the midst of challenge and uncertainty:
And here is this week’s sermon which looked at the same reading- john 4- the Woman at the Well and which several people asked for a copy of:
Clocks go forward next weekend (the 26th) so please don’t turn up an hour late for Church.
If you are not on the Parish Electoral Roll yet, but feel a connection to the parish, then please pick up a form, which needs to be returned by the 26th of March.
When you come to Church this week, please remember that it is Mothering Sunday so St Paul’s and St Nick’s will be worshipping together at 9.30 and there won’t be a service at 11. Then, in the evening we have the second Evensong with Sermon Series of the year following on from Cara’s excellent opener- 6.15pm, the Rector preaching, followed by refreshments. Do come along. There is also a Service at Woosehill at 10, which Jane is leading.
If you can’t come to St Paul’s on Sunday evening then Judi is waiting for a link to a Service from Vaxjo Diocese to honour St Sigfrid’s Day– email her if you would like the link. It will start at about 6pm.
When you’re in church, please look out for the information about Modern Slavery in the County and region, which the MU have put up and makes challenging and uncomfortable reading. (See photo at the top of the page).
Easter Lilies cost £3 each- please send money to Sue Davenport, or via the Parish Office if you would like to contribute and so remember a loved one.
Easter Sunday Breakfast: Sunday , 9th April from 7:30 am. Donations to our Lent Appeal. Please sign up at the back of the church or email Alan or Trish: al_harrison@ hotmail.co.uk trishgatland@ hotmail.co.uk
Georgina Spencer has made this book recommendation out of her Lenten reading:
The correct title of the book I am reading for Lent is Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus by Lois Tverberg published by Zondervan in 2012 , so it may be out of print now . I bought it at Quench .. The book examines some of Jesus most important words in the light of their Jewish context explaining the limited vocabulary of the times and their complex meanings. I am finding it very enlightening
And here is a NZ Night prayer Cara used a few weeks ago…
Lord, it is night.
The night is for stillness.
Let us be still in the presence of God.
It is night after a long day.
What has been done has been done;
what has not been done has not been done;
let it be.
The night is dark.
Let our fears of the darkness of the world and of our own lives
rest in you.
The night is quiet.
Let the quietness of your peace enfold us,
all dear to us,
and all who have no peace.
The night heralds the dawn.
Let us look expectantly to a new day,
new joys,
new possibilities.
In your name we pray.
And here is the excellent Woosehill magazine which Val Weedon produces and which has a lot of interesting articles you might enjoy