Pieces and bits before Holy Week [223]
Dear friends, Bertie here with a whole host of pieces and bits you might well enjoy in the lead-up to Holy Week. There will be a full update on Holy Week in a few days’ time- please remember that you need to book in if you want to come on Palm Sunday at 9.30 or Easter Day at 9.30am, using the Eventbrite link which I sent out in email 221. You don’t need to book in to come in person on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday (2pm) or Easter Dawn (6am). And everything will, of course, be available on the Livestream through the excellent service afforded by my little Production Company- Bertie’s Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) which is generously funded by people who send their License Fee to the wrong bank account. Which is both unfortunate and helpful at once. On with the announcements!
Coming soon!
12 ways to get involved tomorrow in the Day of Reflection: Diocese of Chester | National Day of Reflection: Get involved (anglican.org)
Palm Crosses can be collected from St Paul’s Porch whenever you are passing- do take one for yourself and one for a friend or neighbour as well.
Don’t forget the collection of bags of clothes to support Emmbrook Infant and Junior Schools at the Parish Rooms on Thursday afternoon this week.
The Zoom Coffee this week will start a bit later because people have to rush home from St Paul’s and then turn on their computers and remember the password and so on and so forth- lots of faffing and forgetting and flustering and fuss until everything falls wonderfully into place.
Super news from Alice Buddin, both for her and for the excellent health care I will now be able to access: “After three and a half years and an 8 month delay due to COVID I received my results for my final exam on Friday and I am now a fully qualified veterinary nurse. So if Bertie needs any medical assistance he can always give me a call.”
The new St Paul’s and St Nick’s website is now up and running: do visit and do let Peter or Richard have any feedback. “I have moved most of the URLs to the new site so that https://spauls.co.uk is now live. It also uses the old address of stpauls-wokingham.org.uk.”
Here is the link for people wanting to find out more about being a CofE School Foundation Governor. It is a vital role and really worthwhile- and St Cecilia’s Primary School will be becoming part of the parish in Summer 2022 to go with St Paul’s Juniors so we are always on the look-out for people willing to be Governors. And we also have a good link with a number of Community Schools who might also be on the look-out for Governors- do speak to Richard if you would like to know more. Foundation Governor Recruitment (anglican.org)
Christian Aid Fundraiser on Friday evening- Gardeners’ Question Time on Zoom- details here, via our friends at All Saints. The link for the Gardener’s QT is here:
People just fill in the form on the page and then they get the zoom details.
Jean Vaughan has sent in this article about the knitted chicks you can buy from the back of St Paul’s Church: the photo is at the top of this email if you want to know what they look like:
And finally, a poem from John Sutton about Jesus, coming soon, as prefigured and prepared by John the Baptist.
by Lucille Clifton
somebody coming in blackness
like a star
and the world be a great bush
on his head
and his eyes be fire
in the city
and his mouth be true as time
he be calling the people brother
even in the prison
even in the jail
i’m just only a baptist preacher
somebody bigger than me coming
in blackness like a star