Passion Sunday Service [222]
Hopefully tomorrow sees the final Livestream only service- at 9.30am. Jane Kraft is presiding and preaching and it will be so lovely to have her back in Church again and behind the altar after 12 months. Here is the OoS for tomorrow:
Teri Austen is doing the intercessions at St Paul’s- and Soba is taking the Service at Woosehill at 10am. Do join the Zoom Coffee Crowds after the service- one meeting for St Paul’s and St Nick’s and one for Woosehill as per usual.
Other things to remember or do this week…
Please never, ever, respond to an email which seems to come from me asking you to buy an Amazon voucher or send me some money. I would never ever do that- the Diocese has had a security issue (as have a lot of other Churches and organisations) and criminals are trying to get your money off you. If it sounds out of character then it is probably a scam. If in doubt, ring a friend or family member before you ever send money, or send me a quick message to check it’s me, asking me a question only I would know- like the colour of Bertie’s favourite rubber gloves. Which are blue, obviously.
Remember that email 221 was an important one, with an overview of how St Paul’s stands as we start to think about the next 6 months- do fill in the survey as well so we can make sure that we are putting the right principles in place and so that we can hear your experience and insights.
Please do take a folder of leaflets to deliver to the new estate off Matthews Green Road so we can make contact with our new parishioners and encourage them to book weddings and baptisms with us.
Fill in the Census tomorrow- your great, great, great, great, great grandchildren will thank you: and don’t forget that the clocks go forward on Palm Sunday.
Help clean St Paul’s Church on Monday: you can offer to do one section of the Church whenever you feel like it, checking with Teri first that it is an area which is a priority, or you can turn up at 10am on Monday the 22nd of March with your own cleaning equipment and work alongside others in different parts of the church.
Follow the eventbrite link to book a seat at Palm Sunday 9.30 and Easter Day 9.30- you can just turn up for all of the other services, and the full list of things for Holy Week will be out this week. See email 220 for the Link.
Honey buyers… glad tidings from Clive Taylor… I am happy for people to contact me as I still have some jars left. My honey is £6 a jar and if they contact me by e-mail, or on 07771 773349 we can arrange collection.
Fr Tony’s Prayer for Passiontide
Draw closer to us with your love, O Lord, as we enter into the solemnity of your passion;
As we move into the shadowy darkness of Jerusalem – the city that murders its prophets;
That stones God’s messengers, scourges and wounds them, and humiliates the Son of God;
Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners as we contemplate our unworthiness;
Our failures and our weaknesses, stumbling and failing in our efforts to follow in your steps;
Taking the arduous pathway in our feeble discipleship – the upward climb towards Calvary.
Cleanse, not only our feet, but every part of us; and make us whiter than snow.
We love you with our whole heart and grant that we may love you always. In Jesus, we pray. Amen.
And finally, here are the Lucky Numbers results… the four March Lucky Numbers winning numbers were selected on 15th March by Meg Corfe’s random number generator. The lucky winners were:-
£50 No 30 Wendy Gooding
£25 No 51 Rev. Jane Kraft
£15 No 69 Pam & Tony Roberts
£10 No 3 Margaret Carver
The promoters trust that all our subscribers remain safe, well and cheerful in the unusual circumstances imposed on us at present.
The Draw is a simple way of raising funds for repairs and renewals to the church building. One share (number) costs £24 per year and the draw takes place monthly (either at St Nicholas’s or St Paul’s) for prizes of £50, £25, £15 and £10. All remaining funds go to the Restoration Fund. If you would like to subscribe, or want further information, please contact Tony Roberts (979 5351), Liz Gallagher (989 1176) or Mary Cassidy (979 5096) – or in person at church (Mary at St Paul’s, Tony or Liz at St Nicholas’).