#305: Thank Wispa it’s the weekend

Bonus edition here to say…
- Bertie is still looking for, and failing to find, any article in which he said something negative about cheese.
- Please do read the fascinating article on the parish website about the number of people viewing and part of the Livestream services both at the time, live, and in the following days. It is a really interesting insight and a reminder of how vital it is that we continue to invest in the Livestream, and value it, and strive to make sure that everyone who is part of St Paul’s online feels valued, supported and included.
- Here is the Order of Service people need for Sunday morning as we come to the Feast of Candlemas, which marks the end of the Christmas Season. Do please come along with a unique candle holder on Sunday to place on the altar. You’ll be asked to put it on a tray when you arrive in Church and then the candle will be placed on the altar and lit at the start of the service (at St Paul’s). The numbers at St Nick’s are lower so we will bring them forward in the opening hymn.
4. If you are coming to St Paul’s, please remember that the back half of the nave is for people who would like to keep social distance and wear a mask whereas the front half (in front of the second pillar) is for people who are happy to sit next to people and happy if those around them aren’t masked. The key thing in all of this is that we keep making sure that everyone feels safe and welcome at Church.
5. Don’t forget to book your quiz places with Margaret Davies for Sat the 5th of Feb on Zoom- talking of which, I was sent this photo titled “The Five Stooges” today of people you might know at Coffee and Chat practicing for the quiz…

Anyway, Bertie is about to give up on the quest so I imagine he will be back at the keyboard next week. Have a super weekend. And do keep sending me any photos/ recommendations/ genius ideas etc.
Richard Lamey