#316: Bertie’s brief but brilliant bulletin

Dear all,
Bertie very much looks forward to seeing you tomorrow at 2pm for a short service to celebrate the completion of the Restoration Project, on Wed the 23rd of March. Do please come along for a time of prayer followed by a chat over a cold (ish) drink.
Do bring your friends along too, to show them round the church.
If you are unable to come then we probably cannot deliver refreshments to your door but you would be very welcome to join online, either live or in the week ahead: livestream for the Restoration Service: https://youtu.be/nlWbv7M3zZM
See you then- and remember, cheese straws have cheese in them so don’t let me catch any of my friends eating them. In fact, they could well be poisonous so it’s probably best to leave them to me because I am immune to that particular poison. Yes, that’s the sort of good friend I am- selfless, and brave.
Yours jauntily,