#371: Easter Week Email
Bertie the friendly Churchmouse here, exhausted but exultant after a superb Holy Week. Thank you so, so much to everyone who was part of it in all three Churches- who came along, and organised, and cleaned, and sang, and played, and cleaned, and gave their time and skill in any way. Thank you. Thank you too to those who hosted and fed Dan, Matilda and Jennifer from Westcott House in Cambridge- it was super to have them with us for Holy Week so thank you for those who made it possible. They even left me a small box of Cambridge Blue cheese by my mousehole- it smells amazing and I can’t wait to try it as soon as I finish this email. In fact, this is the end of the message- Happy Easter- goodbye. The cheese is calling me and its siren cry cannot be resisted by mortal mices. Pip-pip.
The Rector here- looks like Bertie has abandoned his post so it is over to me to finish off the email from his notes. I second his thanks- and here are the other things he wrote down…
This Coming Week
Things are obviously a little quieter this week- there is no Bible Study or House Mass for example- but there is still Morning Prayer online on Wed and Thursday. And Louise is still in the Office, holding everything together with skill, poise and a warm smile.
Meditation Group Tuesday 11th April, St Paul’s Church.
Arrive from 1pm for 1.15pm start
More Information and Legalities
Here is the Annual Report for you too read before the APCM and AGM on the 23rd of April at 5pm. Do please read it to hear how the last year has gone, and do come along on the 23rd in person if you can. The other papers are available on the link on the website, and paper copies are at the back of Church.
Other Bits and Bobs
If anyone knows how to play Crib then Graham Reed is looking for someone to play the odd hand with. Please either speak to Pat Reed or Graham directly, or via Louise in the Parish Office.
Here is last term’s update and news from Soulscape, one of the three Charities we support. There is also a video here if you prefer to get your news that way
An Easter message from Sarah Speers, from our friendship with Madagascar:
Dear Friends,
After a break in the UK Hall is now back in Madagascar and even as I write driving to his diocese in his shiny new vehicle.
Hall’s return to Madagascar was delayed because of some heart issues which emerged but scans revealed that there was no need for any intervention apart from increased medication and the advice to rest when he feels he needs to. It was the cold temperature which he found really difficult and he had a chest infection which necessitated a hospital admission with pneumonia. Thankfully antiobiotics dealt with that.
So he will be relieved to get back into the heat of Mahajanga, and in time for Easter. A full programme awaits him right up until the end of November so all being well healthwise he will not be coming home before that.
Normal service with the Our Mad Life newsletters will be resuming in due course.
My Lenten disciplines have badly slipped since Mothering Sunday but I excuse my failure on being occupied with the rush of getting Hall off safely. Has anyone else noticed what an “in” word ‘failure’ is currently? Good to know we can feel ok about it!
Love and best wishes to all you lovely people for a mindful Holy Week and a joyous Easter. Thank you for your support.