#379: Corpus Christi week

Well, Bertie has not come back from Gloucestershire- apparently, the wind is against him so his balloon would only be able to take him further west which is no use to us at all, so he has sent a carrier pigeon, which was quite tired by the time it got here, to tell us all that we need to know about the week ahead… here is the News, as sent to us by Bertie…
This Week and Soon
Thursday. Corpus Christi Celebration at St Paul’s. 8pm. Come.
This coming Saturday it is Churchyard Working Party again. There is still lots to do in machine maintenance, mowing, strimming, Biodiversity encouragement, ground clearing, tree planting, and lots more. All to be enjoyed with refreshments at 11 and 1. With the current warm weather who can resist the opportunity to be outside doing something useful!
The services this Sunday are very much as usual for the 2nd Sunday of the month- 8am, 9.30, 10 and 11. The Gospel Reading for the day is John 15.12-17 if you would like to read it beforehand. It’s great that there are still about 20 devices joining the 9.30 live- if you can’t be in Church why not join them, or catch up during the week?
The next Sermon Series and Evensong is on the 18th of June at 6.15pm, with the Archdeacon preaching, and followed by refreshments at the back of church. Do please come along!
Other News and Happenings
St Cecilia’s have their School Fair on Saturday the 24th of June from 11 to 1- if anyone would like to join Fr Richard and Louise Cole in running a games stall please can you let Louise know?
A quick reminder that there is still a service every Wednesday morning at 10.30 at a home in Emmbrook- check the Pews News or talk to Louise for the precise location. There is always prayer and coffee and good company- and it is a service of Holy Communion on the 2nd Wed of the month.
This website has lots of good resources about helping the community to engage with the churchyard in all of its variety and beauty: Resources for Love Your Burial Ground Week/Churches Count on Nature Events – Caring For God’s Acre – the conservation charity for burial grounds across the UK (caringforgodsacre.org.uk)
And Mary has sent in this link to a book beautifully illustrating the Church’s year…